Social Problem
A social problem is any behavior or condition having negative consequences for many people, hence requiring actions to address the behavior or condition (Cassella,n.d). Social problems are essential in society as they push the need for changes to be made through policy and other actions to eliminate such problems. For instance, social workers must deal with social injustice issues. This would require them to pursue social change in collaboration with and on behalf of the oppressed and vulnerable populations. Through efforts meant to bring about social change, social workers help individuals gain access to the required information, resources, and services, meaningful participation, and equality of opportunity for everyone (Cassella, n.d). Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and academic disciplines.
Some of the common social problems common in society today include homelessness and poverty, gender inequality, childhood obesity, overpopulation, climate change, discrimination, and unemployment. However, based on the definition of social problems, these problems are highly objective and subjective. The objective part implies that the problem needs to have an undesirable impact on large numbers of individuals, and empirical evidence must be submitted to prove that a behavior or condition is a social problem. On the other hand, the subjective part is based on the perception that a behavior or a condition is problematic. The issue of climate change, for instance, is highly debatable as some individuals believe it is not a social problem, whereas others consider it a social problem. In the US, the problem of obesity, especially childhood obesity, is a major social problem that lowers the quality of life of individuals and results in other social problems like discrimination. Sanyaolu et al. (2019) cite about 17 percent of US children as being obese, and this has significant cardiovascular and psychological risks for them and society as a whole, hence the need to address such problems.
Cassella, K. Social Welfare and Policy II. Eastern Gateway Community College.
Sanyaolu, A., Okorie, C., Qi, X., Locke, J., & Rehman, S. (2019). Childhood and adolescent obesity in the United States: a public health concern. Global pediatric health, 6, 2333794X19891305.
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Social Problem
1) Define Social Problem.
2) Discuss the importance of a social problem.
3)What social problems do you see happening in your area or globally?