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Social Media in Business-Shopify

Social Media in Business-Shopify

Find an example of a small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote its products or services.

Shopify is selected as the small business for analysis. The firm is a Canadian multinational e-commerce company headquartered in Ontario, Canada. The company is considered small compared to similar major businesses like Inc. and Alibaba. The company uses social media platforms to promote their products and services. The company has been successful in its efforts to use social media platforms to promote its services. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.

Give some advantages and disadvantages of this company’s use of social media.

There are various advantages that Shopify gains from using social media platforms. First, a vast market is accessible through social media platforms. Notably, this is so because the platforms have millions of users accessing company information worldwide. Second, social media platforms offer businesses a basis to respond to their concerns quickly. Separately addressing each customer can turn out to be tedious. However, with social media platforms, the company can respond to all of them at once using a single message (Jacobson et al., 2020). Using social media platforms presents the risk of negative feedback. One negative comment from a single social media user can spread to other users and destroy the business’s reputation.

How effective do you think this strategy is? Why? What is one thing you recommend to the business to enhance its social media results?

Using social media platforms to promote a business is a very effective strategy, considering the number of people that can be addressed. Active social media pages for the business can attract a significant number of followers are potential customers (Chatterjee & Kar, 2020). One recommended strategy for enhancing social media results entails constant monitoring. Businesses should monitor developments in social media platforms constantly so that quick responses and action can be taken against various developments.

Supporting Activity – Special Discussion – Improving the Course

One supporting activity required entails social media business customer service. The service ensures customers are supported for the correct handling of their actions. Making social media channels more efficient should be considered a special discussion. The course can be improved through practical classes on handling theoretical matters.


Chatterjee, S., & Kar, A. K. (2020). Why do small and medium enterprises use social media marketing and what is the impact: Empirical insights from India. International Journal of Information Management53, 102103.

Jacobson, J., Gruzd, A., & Hernández-García, Á. (2020). Social media marketing: Who is watching the watchers? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services53, 101774.


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Social Media in Business-Shopify

Social Media in Business-Shopify

Q1) Find an example of a small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote their products or services.

Q2) Give some advantages and disadvantages of this company’s use of social media.

Q3) How effective do you think this strategy is? Why? What is one thing you would recommend the business do to enhance its social media results?

Q4) Supporting Activity – Special Discussion – Improving the Course

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