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Social Influence

Social Influence

Social behaviours are interactions between members of a species that enrich one or more individuals in a certain way. A dynamic character, aggressive behaviour, violent behaviour, group activity, and prosocial relationships are examples of social behaviour. Individuals’ behaviours and acts throughout society constitute social behaviour (Forsyth, 2000). Because they include empathy, good social behaviours are thought to be the most successful means of dealing with others.

Due to conformity or obedience, I communicate, share meals, shake hands, listen to traditions and norms, loyalty, love, competition, sympathy, empathy, and cooperation. I communicate with other people using verbal, nonverbal, or written language. It can be visually through eye contact or body language, such as making facial expressions of reassurance and shaking hands. I listen to people during communication. However, I chose the correct information to listen to. I cooperate with my peers and other people in various projects, events, and organizations. I show love and loyalty by treating other people well, respecting their interests, and sharing meals with the less fortunate in society. Besides, I sympathize and empathize with those who have encountered difficult situations. I follow some rules and social norms. They include handshaking when I meet with people, listening to them when they speak, and showing kindness and respect. However, I don’t follow destructive norms such as rudeness, revenge, deception, and gossiping. The situational factors that impact my beliefs and behaviours include my peers, the surrounding environment, the workplace, and school. Potential social and cultural influences include obedience, information, compliance, and conformity (Crano, 2000). My logged behaviours are due to the informational influence, and peer pressure doesn’t apply. Our homework help will you tons of energy and time required for your homework papers.

Violation of mundane behaviour, such as communication by yelling when talking negatively, affects the level of conformity to other people, leading to disrespect failure to obey authority and social regulations. Violation instils hatred, negative conversations, separation, and noncooperation from other people (Forsyth, 2000). Factors that influence people to follow include society, friends, leaders, traditions, and the surrounding environment. Conformity is not a good thing as it might lead to lousy peer pressure behaviours, affect mental health, limit an individual’s freedom to new arguments, and lower self-esteem. Social and cultural differences play a role in social influence as they can affect conformity, an individual’s behaviour, attitudes, and beliefs.

In conclusion, social behaviours are influenced by situational factors and social and cultural influences. Violation of a particular behaviour impacts social influence and people’s reactions. Hence, social behaviours are vital in our daily interactions with other people.


Crano, W. D. (2000). Milestones in the psychological analysis of social influence. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice4(1), 68.

Forsyth, D. R. (2000). One hundred years of group research: Introduction to the special issue. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice4(1), 3.


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To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 8: Conformity and Obedience and Chapter 9: Groups of Your Textbook and the Milestones in the Psychological Analysis of Social Influence (Links to an external site.) and One Hundred Years of Group Research: Introduction to the Special Issue (Links to an external site.) articles. In addition, watch the Everybody’s Doing It (Links to an external site.) video.

Social Influence

In this discussion, you will consider social behaviour and the various normative and informational social influences you encounter in your everyday life, including the impact of groups on individual thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Complete the following:

Appraise your behaviour for a period of 24 hours.
Identify at least 10 behaviours in which you engage that are due to conformity or obedience. Strive to identify less obvious examples that will allow for greater insight and a more interesting discussion. For example, how do you greet people or respond to messages? Which rules or social norms do you break, and which do you follow?
Discuss the situational factors that impact your beliefs and behaviours.
Describe potential social and cultural influences.
Analyze five of your logged behaviours, determining whether they are due to normative or informational influence and whether group pressures apply.
Then, select one of the following options below:
Choose one mundane behaviour from your log that is based on a social norm. Violate this norm. Be sure you are not breaking any rules or laws or putting yourself at risk in any way. Here is a link to Examples of Norm Violations (Links to an external site.), but feel free to come up with your own (or Google search for additional ideas. Or,
Spend 24 hours living “a day of nonconformity,” living each minute as uninfluenced as possible (without infringing on the rights of others). Strive to be your true, unfettered self.
Examine your social influence log and your experience living a day of nonconformity or violating a social norm. Include the following in your summary:
To what extent is your everyday behaviour shaped by social influence? Why or why not?
How do people react when you do not conform/obey?
What factors influence people to follow? (e.g., leaders, groups, etc.)
Is conformity a good thing or a bad thing? Explain your point of view.
How do social and/or cultural differences play a role in social influence?
To fully demonstrate content knowledge and critical thinking, your Social Influence discussion must

Interpret course concepts explicitly, applying them to your personal experiences/observations, and cite the required readings as appropriate.
Be thorough and specific, structuring your work intentionally (with an introductory and concluding sentence or two), providing clear context, and concisely and precisely explaining relevant course concepts.
Use personal examples to illustrate as appropriate, but do be sure to provide an objective analysis, too, referencing required materials and using additional sources as needed to support your insight.
Use your own Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) and apply in-text citations appropriately throughout your post.
Review APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) for more information.
Your original post should be a minimum of 300 words.

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