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Social Construction

Social Construction

The topic of race is a prevalent issue that current society faces. Many people deem the topic important and necessary for the continuity of the community. Some people feel that we live in a racist society whereby the white race is more privileged than other minority races, including African Americans and Latinos. The distinction of races can be traced back to the 17th and 18th centuries and has evolved ever since (“4. Colonial society | The American yawp,” n.d.). While society quickly defines race as a biological trait, sociologists believe it is completely different. Sociologists believe that race is a social construction created by society. Therefore, there exists no biological race.

Most of the time, people are quick to use the terms ethnicity and race interchangeably. Race, ethnicity, and minority groups are three distinct names that have different meanings. For instance, race refers to the superficial differences that a specific society considers, while ethnicity is the culture that defines a particular group. Therefore, it is essential to note that while sociologists recognize obvious physical differences between people, they do not define races. For instance, in a scenario where there are white and black-toned skin people, there would be obvious physical differences. Other people would be quick to judge that the color of the individual defines their race. However, sociologists would say that color does not define the race of the individual but is just an evolutionary adaptation.

Looking at the primary and secondary sources, it seems that the sociological perspective on race is a popular consensus among scholars. One article highlights how slavery was propelled by how the whites viewed blacks as from inferior races because of their skin color (“3. British North America | The American yawp,” n.d.). Sociologists always strive to urge people to shift away from the racial concept. Another article by Gordon highlights how race is real socially and not biologically. According to Gordon, the degree to which a person is racially categorized can vary in a social context (Gordon, 2016). Therefore, race should not be defined based on an individual’s skin colour.


British North America | The American yawp. (n.d.). The American Yawp.

Colonial society | The American yawp. (n.d.). The American Yawp.

Gordon, H. (2016, December 5). Race as a social construction. Psychology Today. 


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Race as a Social Construction

Write an essay in which you develop an argument about what your analysis of the primary source allows you to understand about race in the 17th and 18th centuries in the colonies and the Early Republic.

Social Construction

Social Construction

As part of your argument, explain how your analysis of the primary source adds to or challenges the information and ideas about race in the secondary sources. Cite all your sources (primary and secondary) using APA style at the end of the essay. (250-350 words).

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