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Silas T vs John P Roth, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency

Silas T vs John P Roth, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency

The Case

This case was about gender discrimination. The complainant alleged that the supervisor at his workplace made some comments that made him feel uncomfortable at work and were prejudiced against him because of his sexual orientation. The case was resolved by concluding that the complainant was unlawfully discriminated against by his employer based on his sexual orientation.

Anticipated or Achieved Outcomes

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2021), the achieved outcome included various requirements that the employer and the complainant had to meet. The employer was ordered to give the complainant 15 days to determine whether he would accept to be reinstated and terminate back pay as of the date of rejection if the complainant rejected the offer to get reinstated. The employer was also ordered to determine the appropriate back pay amount with interest and other benefits. The employer was also ordered to restore any leave taken due to harassment. The complainant would cooperate with the employer to calculate the number of benefits and back pay due and provide all the information needed by the employer. The employer would also issue a cheque to the complainant for the definite back pay amount. The employer was ordered to compensate for the negative tax costs of receiving back pay in a lump sum. The employer would also consider taking appropriate disciplinary action against the perpetrator and outline the reasons for the action, provide a minimum of eight hours of interactive or in-person EEO training to the responsible management officials emphasizing sexual orientation discrimination and the responsibility of management to respond to sexual harassment discrimination.

Current Challenges Concerning Discrimination That Managers May Encounter

One of the current challenges concerning discrimination that managers will encounter is limited attention to neglected issues and groups. According to Sears et al. (2021), sexual orientation is a major issue in addressing discrimination in the workplace because of people’s mixed reactions toward gay employees. Therefore, managers may encounter challenges preventing derogatory comments. Another challenge is the fear of reporting discrimination caused by a person’s sexual orientation. Some employees may fear reporting harassment and discrimination related to sexual orientation because they do not want to lose their jobs.


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2021). Silas T. v. John P. Roth, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency. US EEOC. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from

Sears, B., Mallory, C., Flores, A., & Conron, K. (2021). LGBT People’s Experiences of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment. Williams Institute. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Silas T vs John P Roth, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency

Silas T vs John P Roth, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency

Let’s talk about discrimination. Access a recent case of discrimination reported in the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) press release on the EEOC website Links to an external site.

In your response, address the following:

What is the case about? What are the issues that reflect discriminatory practices? Has the case been resolved?
What are the anticipated or achieved outcomes?
What are some of the current challenges concerning discrimination that managers will encounter?

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