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Signature Assignment for Written Communications – Introduced Level

Signature Assignment for Written Communications – Introduced Level

Conflict of interest presents significant challenges to business people in terms of upholding ethical practices. The conflict of interests represents the clash between personal interests and official responsibility (McDonald, n.d). It is well depicted through a health official who needs to inspect a food facility for authorization to sell. The official’s duty is to ensure that the facility has observed all the requirements set out by the health department. However, gifts in monetary and monetary form may interfere with the process of thorough inspection. An individual who values the gift more than completing their official duty may accept it and certify the outlet. This endangers their position as public health officials and the health of the clients (McCombs School of Business, 2019). It also allows the owner to break more rules through bribing, which is the most common form of gifting.

On a personal level, the individuals who are involved in such dealings lose their integrity completely. Their failure to observe their employer’s ethical standards highlights their lack of honesty and transparency (Ethics Unwrapped, 2021). Most interviewees agree that it is important to carry out business activities and make ethical decisions. Failing to observe ethical aspects highlights a lack of virtues among individuals. At the same time, an organization’s culture could enable such unethical behavior. Employees repeatedly encounter ethical dilemmas when clients offer proposals that could benefit them financially and go against the company’s policies (Integrity Star, 2016). Most are tempted to give in to the temptation. Those who opt for a different outcome have integrity on a personal level and values that enable the same.

While working in the hospitality industry, I experienced cases that involved a conflict of interest. In one of the encounters, a client frequently sought relaxation/massage services from the establishment’s beauty parlor. The client enjoyed these services and always tipped the service providers. They approached me and asked that I contact them so that I could offer the same services at their home. The benefits here were that I would earn more money. Ideally, the proposal was attractive. However, it was against the hotel’s policy to offer the same services to the guests independently. Since I did not want to risk my job, I declined the offer and requested that the client be allocated to a different colleague. I also explained to the client, and they were disappointed by my adherence to the code of ethics. However, I felt accomplished in making such an ethical decision.

I advise all employees to make decisions that agree with the code of ethics. Such decisions promote an individual’s value and integrity and protect their reputation. In case the decision involves more than one person, it should be based on a cost-benefit analysis that exposes the main benefits and the negative aspects; similarly, the code of conduct should dictate the best action to take. The act of adhering to the code of conduct is critical because it can protect employees from taking part in illegal activities that tend to originate from unethical decisions (Sanofi, 2018). Therefore, the code of conduct gives sufficient guidance on how employees should deal with arising conflicts of interest.

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Ethics Unwrapped. (2021). Conflict of Interest. Retrieved from

Integrity Star. (2016). Understanding Conflict of Interest. Retrieved from

McCombs School of Business. (2019). Conflict of Interest | Concepts Unwrapped. Retrieved from

McDonald, M. (n.d). Ethics and Conflict of Interest. Retrieved from

Sanofi. (2018). Dealing with conflict of interest.


We’ll write everything from scratch



Goal of this Session Long Project:

Signature Assignment for Written Communications – Introduced Level

Watch the following video showing examples of conflict of interest: McCombs School of Business. (2019, February 19). Concepts unwrapped: Conflict of interest [Video file]. Retrieved from

Submission should be 2 to 3 pages of text, well organized, well written, and 100% error free. You may use first- or third-person voice. Write in full sentences. Demonstrate your critical-thinking skills. Add at least 2 applicable background materials from the module. You may bring in reputable Internet sources. Be sure to cite all sources used. Be creative (for example, add color and/or small graphics) to enhance your writing.

Written Communications Emphasis

The grading rubric for Written Communications has been developed to measure student success in meeting the ETH501 SLP 1 “introduced” expectations related to written communications. Other assessments of written communications at the “reinforced” and “emphasized” levels are included in future assignments in courses designed for that purpose.

General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers:

For a list of general reference sources related to locating library sources, using APA formatting, applying critical thinking skills, and so forth, see General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers. It is not required that you read these sources page-by-page, but rather you use them as guides.

SLP Assignment Expectations

This signature assignment for written communications (introduced level) will be assessed utilizing the following rubric criteria:

Context and purpose for writing: A thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work.

Content: Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.

Adherence to conventions in specific disciplines, syntax control, and mechanics: Detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing tasks(s) including organization, content, presentation, formatting, stylistic choices, and subject-appropriate language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity, and is error-free.

Sources and Evidence: Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.

Citing Sources: Mastery using in-text citations of sources, proper format for quotations, and correctly formats full source information in the reference list using APA style (bibliography).

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