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Siemens’ HR Strategy

Siemens’ HR Strategy

Strategically required organizational outcomes

Based on the information provided in the case, organizations must embrace global teamwork, continuous learning, and mutual respect of the workforce. As illustrated, Siemens achieves these outcomes using specific strategies. Firstly, the company provides employees with learning opportunities both on the job and in the classroom setting. Apprenticeship offers a unique opportunity for employees at Siemens to practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Secondly, ensuring that teamwork is cultivated in the workforce is critical. Siemens’ employees are encouraged to understand the entire chain of activities that take place in the organization as opposed to some parts. This encourages employees to feel comfortable collaborating with colleagues. Extensive training is used as a strategy to develop this outcome. Finally, enhancing mutual respect within Siemens’ work environment is a critical outcome for utmost performance. The diversity that Siemens’ workforce boasts about is recognized as a valuable asset (Dessler, 2013). To ensure that all appreciate diversity, different HR practices are implemented to promote transparency, fairness, and openness and further enhance the same diversity. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.

Siemens’ HR policies and activities

Various policies and activities stand out in Siemens’ HR management, which ensures that goals are achieved. Firstly, training and development is a critical aspect of HR management. The employees gain diverse skills and knowledge through extensive development opportunities that are provided at the company. Secondly, teamwork is emphasized as an important policy that enables all employees to understand varied work processes. The teamwork policy goes hand in hand with training and development. Thirdly, workforce diversity is promoted using various HR practices. The company’s workforce diversity is valued due to the uniqueness and authenticity it adds to Siemens. Finally, HR’s combination of different modes of learning promotes the skills of the workforce. Apprenticeship and classroom setting learning are valued at Siemens because they ensure employees practice the different skills and knowledge.

Siemens’ strategic goals

Siemens intends to create a highly diverse workforce, which will ensure that it has a unique and inimitable competitive advantage over other players in its sector. It also seeks to be recognized as the best player in its sector by offering quality products and services that ensure clients realize value for their money. Diversification is a critical overall goal for the company as it seeks to venture into new product lines and services that will expand its portfolio in the global market (Dessler, 2013). The company recognizes that it must prepare its employees for the achievement of these goals by ensuring they possess the right skills and knowledge through extensive training and development. Encouraging collaboration among employees and having cross-training are intended to lead to the goal’s end. In addition, hiring the right candidates and offering all individuals an opportunity at the organization, regardless of their differences, is critical to ensuring the workforce is highly diverse. Employees need to be ready to learn continuously and attain as much skills and knowledge as they possibly can. Collaborating with others and respecting the various differences that are visible in the workforce is critical for goal achievement and harmony. Most importantly, understanding Siemens’ operations is important for all staff to create a seamless workflow and enable staff members to fill in for each other, which avoids unnecessary work disruption.


Dessler, G. (2013). Human Resource Management. Pearson.


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Siemens’ HR Strategy

Siemens’ HR Strategy

Application Case: Siemens Builds a Strategy-Oriented HR System” in Ch. 3 of Human Resource Management.

Write a 350- to 700-word response to the following after reading the case:

Identify examples of at least four strategically required organizational outcomes and four required workforce competencies and behaviors for Siemens based on the information in this case.
Identify at least four strategically relevant HR policies and activities that Siemens has instituted to help human resource management contribute to achieving Siemens’ strategic goals.
Discuss the following regarding Siemens’ strategic goals:
What overall goals does Siemens want to achieve?
What must Siemens do operationally to achieve its goals?
What employee attitudes and behaviors will produce these operational outcomes?

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