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Service Plan- Sociocultural Factors

Service Plan- Sociocultural Factors

Sociocultural factors for the selected service user include Mental health stigma and family dynamics. Adam may be struggling with mental health issues that he feels embarrassed or ashamed to discuss. Cultural or family attitudes toward mental illness could contribute to stigma and make seeking help difficult (Leder & Zawidzki, 2023). In regard to Family dynamics, Adam’s living situation with his grandmother and younger brother may be a source of stress and conflict.

Inarguably, understanding these sociocultural factors is essential for developing a comprehensive and practical plan to support Adam’s mental health and well-being. For example, addressing mental health stigma may involve education and outreach efforts to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness within Adam’s family and community. Addressing family dynamics could involve family therapy or other forms of support to help improve communication and relationships within the household.

In Adam’s case, the potential barriers that may prevent him from achieving his service plan goals and objectives include financial constraints and stigma/social isolation. Financial constraints may prevent individuals from accessing the necessary resources and support to manage their mental health. On the other hand, stigma and social isolation may discourage one from seeking help or talking to their family and community about one needs (Mullen et al., 2022). Addressing these barriers is crucial to ensuring that Adam can achieve his goals and objectives, as this will involve providing financial resources, reducing stigma, providing peer support, and exploring transportation options. These barriers are significant as they can limit Adam’s ability to access the care and support he needs, and they can also make it more difficult for him to engage with his service plan and work towards his goals.


Leder, G., & Zawidzki, T. (2023). The skill of mental health: Towards a new theory of mental health and disorder. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 4.

Mullen, J. N., Levitt, A., & Markoulakis, R. (2022). Supporting Individuals with Mental Health and/or Addictions Issues Through Patient Navigation: A Scoping Review. Community Mental Health Journal.


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Submit a 1- to 2-page paper in which you complete the following:

Describe the sociocultural factors for your selected service user. In what ways might these be relevant to the case management relationship and the service plan?
Identify and describe barriers that may prevent the service user from achieving the goals and objectives of the service plan. These barriers could relate to transportation challenges, lack of family support, stigma, medical insurance, limited income, etc.
Why do you consider these to be barriers?

Service Plan- Sociocultural Factors

Woodside, M., & McClam, T. (2018). Generalist case management: A method of human service delivery (5th ed.). Cengage.

Chapter 4: Ethical and Legal Perspectives (pp. 106–144)
Chapter 5: Working With Diverse Populations (pp. 145–176)
National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.Links to an external site.
Sherraden, M. S., Birkenmaier, J., & Collins, J. M. (2019). Financial capability for all: Training human service professionals to work with vulnerable families.Links to an external site. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(3), 869–876.

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