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Sentential Logic-SL

Sentential Logic-SL

Editable Worksheet

For your reference, use the following table:

Conjunction   &
Disjunction   ∨
Negation   ~
Conditional  ⊃
Biconditional  ≡

Step 1.

Describe the following representations, which is a reconstruction of the argument above. (Note, this is my reconstruction of this argument, using charity and faithfulness. There might be other ways to reconstruct it, but for the purpose of this assignment, we’ll go with this one).

What is A, L, U and S stand for? How do these symbols and statements describe/represent the tweet above?  Be sure to reference appropriate terminology, as we learned it during this course to describe the argument.

A represents, “If you concern yourself with taking care of others,”

L represents, “there’ll be no room for lies, bullying and cheating.”

U represents, “if you’re truthful you can live transparently.”

S represents, “which will enable you to establish trust the basis of making friends.”

∼L represents, “there’ll be room for lies, bullying and cheating.”


A  ⊃  ∼L

∼L  ⊃ U

U  ⊃  S


A  ⊃ S

Feel free to cut and paste this box with your answers into the discussion post.

                                        This represents the following sections of the Tweet:
 ⊃ ∼L       If you concern yourself with taking care of others, there’ll be room for lies, bullying and cheating.
 ⊃  U        There’ll be room for lies, bullying and cheating, if you’re truthful you can live transparently.
 ⊃   S        If you’re truthful you can live transparently, which will enable you to establish trust the basis of making friends.

 ⊃   S        If you concern yourself with taking care of others, which will enable you to establish trust the basis of making friends.

Step 2.

Review the and complete the missing elements from the following truth table. Be sure to write a brief explanation (1-2 sentences) on how you went about completing the truth table, what rules did you use, how did you come up with your answers.

Feel free to cut and paste this box with your answers into the discussion post.

A L U S A  ⊃  L  ⊃    U  ⊃    S  ⊃     S
1 T T T T F T T T
2 T T T F F T F F
3 T T F T F T T T
4 T T F F F T T F
5 T F T T T T T T
6 T F T F T T F F
7 T F F T T F T T
8 T F F F T F T F
9 F T T T T T T T
10 F T T F T T F T
11 F T F T T T T T
12 F T F F T T T T
13 F F T T T T T T
14 F F T F T T F T
15 F F F T T F T T
16 F F F F T F T T

This truth table illustrates the truth value of conditional sentences. By applying the MT method with the consideration of the negation, the truth value is determined, and also, the truth value of conditional sentences is False, under one condition, T ⊃ F.

Step 3.

Take a look at your completed Truth Table.  If you have done it correctly, there is a line that closely corresponds to the Dalai Lama’s statement. Which line (from 1 through 16) is it?  Be sure to justify your selection in a couple of brief sentences.

(Hint, look for a line in which A, U and S are True, L is False, and all of the corresponding conditionals are True).

The line that closely corresponds to the Dalai Lama’s statement is line 5. This is because all the truth values of the conditional sentences are True despite the truth value of L being False. Therefore, line 5 is the closest corresponding line to the Dalai Lama’s statement.

Step 4.

Personal reaction:  What do you think about the Dalai Lama’s tweet? How might his statement be relevant to our lives? Do you find that you agree with it, and if so why, or if not, why not.

I think Dalai Lama’s statement holds the logic towards friendship creation and maintenance through the application of a number of qualities, such as caring.

This statement is relevant in our lives today because it emphasizes the characteristics that promote the establishment and maintenance of friendships that people create.

I agree with this statement because sentence logic determines that it contains a truth value; therefore, its message will bear positive results.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Unit 11 Discussion Assignment

‘Be honest, truthful, and altruistic.’ – A logical analysis of a profound recommendation.

On November 5, 2018 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama tweeted the following:

Dalai Lama's Tweet

Dalai Lama’s Tweet

Read this tweet and note the statement connectives that it uses. For this discussion assignment, we’ll be applying the rules of sentential logic (SL) to analyze it.

Sentential Logic-SL

Sentential Logic-SL

In your discussion post, address all four steps of this assignment, then read your peers’ threads and comment on two other students’ posts. Compare their answers to yours, and make suggestions (or corrections) as needed.

For your reference, use the following table:

Conjunction &
Negation ~

Step 1.

The following symbolic representation is my attempt to capture the Dalai Lama’s argument, above, using the principles of charity and faithfulness. There might be other ways to reconstruct it, but for the purpose of this assignment, we’ll go with this. I am using A, L, U and S to stand for important segments of the Dalai Lama’s quote. Using the table below, how would you translate the symbolized statements?

A ⊃ ∼L

∼L ⊃ U U ⊃ S

A ⊃ S

Feel free to cut and paste this box with your answers into the discussion post.

This represents the following sections of the Tweet:
A ⊃ ∼L



 Step 2.

Complete all the missing values from the following truth table. Be sure to write a brief explanation (1-2 sentences) on how you went about completing the truth table, including the connective rules you used.

Feel free to cut and paste this box with your answers into the discussion post.

A L U S A L L U U   ⊃              S A   ⊃     S
1 T T T T F T T T
2 T T T F
3 T T F T
4 T T F F
5 T F T T
6 T F T F
7 T F F T
8 T F F F
9 F T T T
10 F T T F
11 F T F T
12 F T F F
13 F F T T
14 F F T F
15 F F F T
16 F F F F

 Step 3.

Take a look at your completed truth table. If you have done it correctly, there is a line that closely corresponds to the Dalai Lama’s statement. Which line (from 1 through 16) is it? Be sure to justify your selection in a couple of brief sentences. (Hint, look for a line in which A, U and S are True, L is False, and all of the corresponding conditionals are True).

Step 4. 

Personal reaction: What do you think about the Dalai Lama’s tweet? Is his statement relevant in an era that is now described as “post-truth”? Give your reasons, and provide an example from your own experience.

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