Security Guidelines for Android and iOS
Android and iOS devices can adequately execute their tasks if they adhere to various security guidelines. These guidelines are often directed toward securing these systems from unauthorized access by third parties. One of the tools used to guarantee safety for Android and iOS devices is the CharlesProxy. CharlesProxy is a powerful tool that organizations can adopt to aid in debugging all types of HTTP-related issues on the system (Rajput et al., 2023). This tool is often installed between the application storing sensitive information belonging to the organization and the internet. Furthermore, the CharlesProxy tool can also aid in inspecting and initiating transitions in how the application communicates with the network (Rajput et al., 2023). While the app is located chiefly between applications storing sensitive data and the internet, users can select any application on their desktop to see how the network requests keep changing after each interception.
The other tool used to guarantee the safety of the confidential information stored on Android and iOS devices is the Drozer. Drozer is a powerful security feature that comes in handy regarding the auditing framework (HK & Phaneendra, 2019). Upon its installation, the organization can easily audit its respective applications to ensure they do not pose any unacceptable security issues. The tool also uses higher-level AP/s that make the Android and iOS devices extremely fast in assessing their security levels (HK & Phaneendra, 2019). The high speed of these devices stems from the fact that various processes have been automated, hence taking less to execute. Some tedious tasks that are automated through adopting the Drozer include running regression tests for security matters, discovering attack surfaces exposed to attack by Android and iOS applications, and running Java code on a device.
HK, V., & Phaneendra, H. D. (2019). Secure Android Application Development and Security Assessment.
Rajput, A. R., Masood, I., Tabassam, A., Aslam, M. S., ShaoYu, Z., & Rajput, M. A. (2023). Patient’s data privacy and security in mHealth applications: a Charles proxy-based recommendation. Soft Computing, 1-16.
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Security Guidelines for Android and iOS
Discuss 2 tools and security guidelines for Android and iOS devices by elaborating on one or more of the following characteristics of the tool:
Possible use of higher-level APIs provided by the OS
Use of secure storage such as AWS database on less secure OS-versions
Capability to always store highly sensitive information like passwords and certificates in the Keychain/Keystore
Use of unsafe software
Use of HTTPS for any sort of client-server communication