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Roles of Generalist Social Workers in Indiana

Roles of Generalist Social Workers in Indiana

Through baccalaureate social worker licensing procedures, an individual is required to get first a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the accredited program of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Followed by completing an application as provided by the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board, providing sealed transcripts and passing the criminal background check, passing the Bachelor’s level exam of ASWB, and waiting for the Board’s approval. These steps earn an individual a Licensed Bachelor Social Worker in Indiana. However, the individual has to go through extra steps to be a licensed social worker. They have to attain a Bachelor’s or Master of Social Work from a CSWE-accredited college or university and provide proof of years of experience if the individual does not have a Master’s.

Moreover, the individual should pass the ASWB master’s exam level as well as the State’s jurisprudence examination and apply to the Board. These rigorous procedures show that generalist social workers are required to work from the point of strength so that they are able to build, support, and recognize the innate capabilities of people. Achieving a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees would help them have professional problem-solving skills to educate, counsel, organize, advocate, offer broker services, assess, and engage on behalf of and with client systems and clients. For instance, in the procedure of a licensed clinical social worker, applicants have to provide proof of two years of practical clinical social work experience in client counseling within a clinical setting (Human Services Guide, 2021). They also have to provide proof of four hours of face-to-face supervision every month (Human Services Guide, 2021). This shows that the generalist social worker would engage with people in the community in a face-to-face evaluation to enhance quality services. Besides, passing the criminal records test is essential to ensure that the generalist social workers work based on a guided code of ethics. Their role there also entails working with integrity to improve the well-being of communities, groups, families, organizations, and individuals.

Interview with a Generalist Social Worker

Generally, as a generalist social worker, one can find oneself working in different environments, such as mental health institutions, domestic violence programs, nursing homes, teen community centers, schools, alcohol and substance abuse institutions, and treatment programs. This means that a generalist has to be adaptable and flexible at all times. Moreover, they have to be creative with changing settings and the individuals they work with. The important thing to note is that the purpose is to improve an individual’s well-being.

Given the different environments they work in, more often than not, they have to plan their assessments and intervention mechanisms based on every individual because the case is different for every individual in every setting. For instance, if called upon to assist a sexually abused child or a homeless family, the generalist social worker has to empathize with the family to feel safe and secure being helped by the social worker. Moreover, they have to find out their style of communication as well as the language they speak. In such a case, if the homeless family speaks Spanish, there is a likelihood that the generalist social worker who would work with them would speak Spanish. If necessary, a translator or interpreter would be hired.

In conclusion, to be able to empathize with the family and help them, it is imperative for a generalist social worker to practice active listening to understand the real problem, patience, and critical thinking to avoid opening Pandora’s box of other problems. Also, to exercise cultural competence so that the individual’s culture and beliefs are respected even in the process of aid.

How Amnesty International Links Individual Problems to National and Global Causes

Amnesty International links abuses of human rights to global causes such as oppressive laws enforced by states as well as political causes that violate justice and prevent people from voicing their views and opinions.

Based on the refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants’ category, Amnesty International believes that there are various reasons why individuals find themselves in the State of refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants. Some of these reasons include lack of education and lack of jobs in their countries (Amnesty International, 2021). The organization also notes that some of these individuals leave their countries because of persecution from their government and because people in power have violated their human rights. Millions of others flee because of violence, conflicts, and other crises, whereas others fear that they will be persecuted because of sexuality, religion, ethnicity, and political opinions.

In the hope of finding a better future in the new countries, this category of people risks falling prey to human exploitation and human trafficking, while others often get detained in the new countries and face discrimination, xenophobia, and racism (Amnesty International, 2021). In the end, the individuals feel isolated and alone since they lack the support networks that are supposed to be reinforced by nations, friends, relatives, colleagues, and communities. A nation’s basic role is to protect its citizens against such violations, yet individuals such as refugees, migrants, and asylum-seekers face daily persecution because governments, friends, and communities do not protect them.


Amnesty International (2021). Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, and Migrants. Retrieved 24/8/2021 from

Human Services Guide (2021). Social Work Licensure in Indiana. Retrieved 24/8/2021 from


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Roles of Generalist Social Workers in Indiana

For this assignment, you will compose three short essays in response to the following questions. Each question should be answered in two to three paragraphs.

Roles of Generalist Social Workers in Indiana

Investigate the baccalaureate social worker licensing procedures for your state (Indiana). What do the licensure requirements tell you about the roles of generalist social workers?
Interview (via telephone) a generalist social worker to better understand how he or she applies generic skills to individual problems. Write a brief description of your findings.
Research a national or international advocacy group, such as Amnesty International or Green Peace. Describe how the organization links individual concerns to national and global causes.

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