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Roles of a Forensic Psychologist

Roles of a Forensic Psychologist

A case that involves “being faithful” can be an example of a therapist being ethical and sincere with patients. For instance, a mother and a daughter can share with a therapist; anything the daughter reveals to the therapist cannot be disclosed to the mother without permission.

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The possible roles that can conflict with each other are “Doing No Harm” and “Benefiting Others” (Pettifor, 2012). The two tend to clash because not making mischief is via exclusion or commission; psychologists attempt to profit the people they work with while guaranteeing that any harm potential is dispensed with the most notable degree conceivable. It is the ethical obligation of a psychologist to thrive for their patients, and they must be a confirmation of the absence of known-balefulness.

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Pettifor, J. L., & Ferrero, A. (2012). Ethical dilemmas, cultural differences, and the globalization of psychology. Oxford Library of Psychology. The Oxford Handbook of international psychological ethics, 28-41.


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