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Review Responses- Analysis of the Use of Various Elements to Show the Important Role of Family

Review Responses- Analysis of the Use of Various Elements to Show the Important Role of Family

Person 1


Your analysis of the use of various elements to show the important role of family in The Latehomecomer was great. However, there are some things you can consider to improve your paper. One of them is improving the introduction and conclusion. You can improve the introduction by briefly stating what the chapters in the story discuss based on the different parts of the story, such as the life in the enemy camp, the journey to America, and the death of the author’s grandmother. The conclusion can be improved by providing a summary of how various elements have been used to bring out the theme of family in the story. I also noticed that although the introduction followed the provided template because it included a thesis statement following the template, the conclusion paragraph did not follow the template. For instance, the conclusion did not summarize the key points in the essay. Therefore, you should consider the main arguments in your paper to construct the conclusion paragraph. I also noticed a few areas of improvement t in your use of the MEAT structure. For instance, you can improve the MEAT structure in your body paragraphs by briefly analyzing the quotes provided in each paragraph. For example, you can analyze the quote, “Each time I sat on the ground at her feet, the khao pad on my knees, Grandma looked to the mountains. She wished for something, and I looked at her and wished for something, too. We both wanted to be free again—” (Yang 110) by stating that she was looking forward to becoming free again, and the thoughts were similar for her family members because they had begun the journey from Laos with the hope that they would all get to America. You can also consider using at least one quote for each element to cut back on the evidence and focus more on bringing out the main idea and analysis. For example, you can focus on quotes directly linked to the theme of family so that you can have more content to analyze thus expanding your paragraph. Some of the questions you can consider to add more analysis and main points include;

Works Cited

Yang, Kao Kalia. The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir. Coffee House Press, 2017.

Person 2


I was impressed by your analysis of the use of evocative and distinct styles to convey the themes of identity and resilience in the face of cultural change. However, although your thesis statement followed the template guidelines, your introduction and conclusion did not follow the provided template. Therefore, you can consider improving your introduction by adding more background information about the story. For example, you can mention the plot of the story and some of the main themes used to develop the theme. You can also mention that the author uses various elements to bring out the themes to prepare your audience for the thesis statement. The main improvement you should consider in your conclusion is summarizing the main arguments you have made in the analysis. You can construct the conclusion paragraph by beginning the paragraph with the thesis statement and then providing a summary of how the evocative and distinct style is used to convey the themes of identity and resilience in the face of cultural change. I also noticed that you did not follow the MEEAT structure when developing your paragraphs. Therefore, you should consider beginning each paragraph with a main idea then providing an example linked to the main idea followed by an analysis of the example and its link to the main idea, and concluding with a tie. You can add more analysis to the paragraphs and cut back on evidence by using shorter quotes and focusing more on analyzing the quote. For instance, you can shorten the quote “, “With her fingers, she dug into the moist ground of a bamboo patch. In the shallow hole, she placed all the pictures of her brothers, her mother, and herself. She felt the bamboo trunk with her hands in the dark. If she ever touched that bamboo again, she told herself, forming the words on her lips, she would remember.” (Yang, 37) to “With her fingers, she dug into the moist ground of a bamboo patch…. She felt the bamboo trunk with her hands in the dark. If she ever touched that bamboo again, she told herself, forming the words on her lips, she would remember.” (Yang, 37) to only capture the information linked to your element. You can also expand your paragraphs by explaining the link between the elements and the theme. Some of the questions you can consider include;

Works Cited

Yang, Kao Kalia. The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir. Coffee House Press, 2017.

Person 3


Your analysis was interesting and provided a great analysis of the elements used to bring out the theme of family. The introduction section and thesis statement followed the provided template, making it easier for readers to understand what to expect as they read the essay. However, the analysis lacked a conclusion, as indicated in the template. Therefore, you should consider summarizing the main arguments on the use of the literary elements and their link to the themes in the conclusion section. You can also consider making some adjustments in the body paragraphs to improve your MEAT structure. For instance, you can break down your paragraphs so that each paragraph discusses only one element and then develop the paragraph by introducing the main idea in the first sentence, followed by an example in the second sentence, at least three sentences analyzing the example, and concluding with a tie in the last sentence. You can also add more analysis to your paragraphs and cut back on evidence by providing more information on your interpretation of the quote. For instance, you can analyze the quote, “I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and jumped on me. The ground underneath the huge trees with their small pebbly fruits was hard against my back.” (Yang 60) by explaining the character traits brought out in the quote and how they are linked to the theme of family. You can also expand your paragraphs by explaining your interpretation of the quotes provided to bring out the elements linked to your theme. Some of the questions you can consider to add more analysis include;

Works Cited

Yang, Kao Kalia. The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir. Coffee House Press, 2017.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For our second essay, we will write a literary analysis essay on the book The Latehomecomer. For this paper, you will analyze a theme in The Latehomecomer and explain how several literary elements and examples of the elements teach you that this is the theme. A key part of this paper is also explaining/analyzing what this theme has to do with you and why it matters for you and/or others.

Review Responses- Analysis of the Use of Various Elements to Show the Important Role of Family

What is a theme? A theme is a central idea or topic conveyed throughout a work of literature, and complex literature frequently has several themes. It is the lesson or meaning that one takes away from a work of literature. Essentially, it is an idea that the work of literature is trying to get you to believe something the literature wants you to do.

What is an element of literature? An element of literature is a set of devices that a work of literature utilizes. There is a separate handout for these elements. These elements generally add deeper meaning and help readers understand and connect with a work of literature.

What to Do/What to Write About:

  1. Select ONE theme (of many) that interests you from The Latehomecomer.
  2. As you read, find one to four elements of literature from our handout.
    1. These elements should be present in passages or quotes that make an impact on you. In this way, the elements will help you understand the theme.
  3. Explain how and why these elements help you understand the overall theme of the work.
    1. How do these elements work on the reader (you)?
    2. What is the purpose of these elements and the theme of the story?
    3. Why should the reader care about these elements and the theme?
    4. Why do you care about this theme?
  4. After your introductory paragraph, you will use the MEAT structure, which will be presented later in the unit.
  5. You MUST cite our book as one source. You are also allowed ONE reliable outside source.
    1. The rest of the paper will be made up of your own words or ideas.



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