Resume Transcript
Hello, my name is Juliet Anozie. I am seeking a Board Certified Behavior Analyst job. One of the reasons why I am seeking this job is to apply the knowledge, skills, and expertise I have gained through my education and work experience in helping people improve their behavior and how they relate with the people around them. Secondly, I aim to advance my knowledge, experience, and expertise in behavior analysis for professional development through this job. Thirdly, through this job, I intend to give back to the community as an advocate for the inclusion of people with problematic behaviors in society.
My work experience has equipped me with knowledge and skills that can be leveraged to enhance your organization’s performance. I worked at GiantTech Holdings between 2020 and 2022, where I familiarized myself with behavior management approaches and interpersonal relations and acquired problem-solving skills. My main roles and responsibilities included mediating employee conflict, contract negotiation, and policy analysis. I was promoted from an intern to a permanent position and later appointed as a supervisor to assist interns in understanding their roles and responsibilities in the organization and adapting to the work environment. I have also been working at Charlotte Mental Health Center since 2022. My main roles and responsibilities are counseling, anxiety management, and depression management. I was promoted to junior manager after getting the most recommendations from patients and their family members for offering the best counseling services at the beginning of this year. Notably, the primary skills I have learned from my job at the mental health center are conflict management and communication skills.
Further, Charlotte Mental Health Center promotes teamwork among employees, thus offering a good opportunity for me to work in teams. Since last year, I have been part of the team in charge of creating depression and anxiety management programs for the youth in the community. My experience working in teams has enhanced my communication, listening, collaboration, and leadership skills. The most successful project I have tackled as a team member was examining the effectiveness of the anxiety management program by recommending it to one of my patients and using their feedback to identify improvement areas.
The main educational goals I have achieved as an individual are scoring a 4.0 GPA in my Bachelor of Conflict Management and a 4.0 GPA in my Bachelor of Science in Psychology in Applied Behavior Analysis. Accordingly, the main professional goals I plan to achieve in the future as an individual include opening my psychology clinic and being awarded as one of the best behavior analysts in the United States. I plan to complete my degree in Applied Behavior Analysis and become a board-certified behavior analyst. I also plan to pursue a career in behavior analysis and anxiety management. My career ambitions are to work as a behavior analyst consultant in the private sector and offer my services to people and organizations in all states across the United States.
Your organization provides a conducive environment for me to apply my knowledge, skills, and expertise and achieve my personal and professional goals. I also have the experience and competencies needed to achieve your organizational goals, which is why I believe I am the best candidate to be considered for the job. I am looking forward to hearing from you and joining your workforce.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
We’ll write everything from scratch
NB. QUESTION 2. What is the job you are seeking? For the position of BCBA
Reminder: For this assignment, you will submit BOTH a video resume (MP4) and a written transcript (Microsoft Word) that is word-for-word of what is said in the video. Both components are required to have the assignment graded.

Resume Transcript
Throughout your professional career, you may be called upon to submit a video resume for a new job. For this assignment, you are required to produce a video resume to persuade a potential employer that you are the best candidate for the position. This assignment is good preparation for answering the common interview question, “Tell Me About Yourself.” It is important to establish your viewpoint and purpose for the video and rationalize why you are the best candidate throughout the video.
You will create and submit 1) a 2-to-4-minute video (MP4) resume that highlights your professional skills and experience and 2) a word-for-word transcript of the video resume (both are required for grading). The video needs to be done in professional attire with a professional background (no background noise/interference, a stable/steady recording, effective lighting) and strong communication skills (language, appearance, eye contact, body language, posture). This assignment requires one continuous video submission (not multiple video clips submitted, or a video that starts/stops) and you need to be on camera when presenting (avatars, still images, cartoons, voice-overs, and filters are not accepted).
Think about who you are as a professional, and answer all questions below in your video and transcript submissions. Utilize the various tips for effective video resumes found in the unit readings as you create the video. The questions should not be read aloud during the video resume, and the information shared should flow from start to finish. Remember that the audience is a potential employer, and it is important to direct the content to the right audience.
What is your name
What is the job you are seeking?
What are three reasons why you are seeking this job, and what are three reasons why you are the best candidate for the job?
What is your work history and volunteer experience? (Discuss specifics such as job responsibilities, positions held, and skills learned.)
What experience do you have working in teams?
What was the most successful project you tackled as a member of a team?
What are 2 professional or educational goals you have achieved as an individual?
What are 2 professional or educational goals you plan to achieve in the future as an individual?
What are your future plans? (i.e. What will you complete your degree in? What career do you plan to pursue? What are your career ambitions?)
Overall, why should you be hired for the job?
Recording your video:
Your video resume must be submitted to the assignment Dropbox as an MP4 file.
Requirements for the video:
The video should be in an MP4 file format.
Follow the conventions of spoken Standard English.
Respond to all ten of the required questions.
Use professional communication skills (clear enunciation, academic/professional tone, professional appearance, professional recording, eye contact, and dress).
Minimize background noise/interference. Ensure your background is not distracting and the lighting is good.
You (the presenter) must be on-screen when presenting (avatars, still images, cartoons, voice-overs, and filters are not accepted).
The video must be one recording (multiple files not accepted).
The video must be continuous and not stop/start during the recording.
Sources are not required, but if used, be sure to cite the sources orally by naming the author. Visit the Writing Center for help with APA citation style.
Requirements for the transcript:
The transcript needs to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
Follow the conventions of spoken Standard English.
The transcript needs to be a word-for-word transcript of what is said in the video
Respond to all ten of the required questions.
Use Standard English with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Include a title page
Sources are not required, but if used, be sure to cite the sources in the body of the transcript and in a reference list. Visit the Writing Center for help with APA citation style.