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Response – The Fight to Ban Books

Response – The Fight to Ban Books

Classmate #1


I agree that some books provide unhealthy information, such as opinions about other races, communities, religions, ethnicity, political views, and offensive language. Therefore, there is a need for censorship to ensure that the books accessed by the public, including children, only share helpful content and promote healthy cognitive and moral development. However, reviewing the justifications given for banning a book is important to ensure that the decision is not biased. According to Palmer (2015), books are not banned because of their content or ideologies but because of the ideologies of the people who have the authority to ban them. Therefore, it is important to review the criteria used to ban books and involve multiple parties, including students, in making decisions about the books that should be banned.


Palmer, M. (2015). Book banning bans the future: The negative effects of book banning.

Classmate #2


I agree that having limited information can stifle intellectual growth and limit the exploration of different perspectives and ideas. According to Burgos (2022), books can inspire, challenge, and offer the escape needed to create a balance in life, which is why everyone is entitled to reading experiences that challenge existing popular outlooks. Therefore, banning books is unfair because it limits readers’ exposure to content that can help them develop a better view of the things and people around them and inspire them to become better people in society.


Burgos, E. (2022, September 16). To ban or not to ban books. Catholic News in Asia | | Licas News.



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Response – The Fight to Ban Books

Professor instruction: Research, Review, and post an article about critical race theory OR Banning Books. Include your thoughts/feelings and respond to two classmates.

 Respond to classmate #1:

 The Fight to Ban Books – The New York Times (

The Fight to Ban Books

Critical race theory battles hit libraries by Amelia Nirenberg

I chose this article because the information provided was very interesting. It’s clear that parents and educators are trying to ban books because of the information provided in the books. Some books provide unhealthy information. Opinions on other races, religions, communities, ethnicity, political views, offensive language, and more. Some of these books have been banned from talking about race, sex, and even the LGBTQ community. These books even have offensive language, opinions or viewpoints on religion, some don’t even speak the truth. Books are known to be powerful and used to spread knowledge. These books are given and offered to teachers, students, schools, and adults. A group of students and teachers were fighting against a list of books that were not appropriate for gay, Black, and Latino children. They won this battle. However, a committee was held to create articles and ways for students, teachers, and society to learn how to deal with and manage “grappling with the racial and social turmoil.” This is not a long-term solution to such a big problem. Books shouldn’t be used to promote racism, crimes, religious opinions, or anything that can be offensive to a group or person. In the article, Amelia said, “Some parents objected. They claimed the materials could be used to “indoctrinate” students or make white children feel guilty.” This leads to a group of people feeling guilty for others being responsible for others’ views and opinions. Places like Pennsylvania don’t have a law yet to ban books, Texas does have a law and has banned books before, and Tennessee has a group called “Moms For Liberty” trying to ban books written from the perspective of Mexican Americans. Laws are different everywhere. However, I think there might be books that needed to be banned in the past, but this also limits the opinions of others. It suppresses ideas and information from others’ points of view. There have been books in the past that got banned for being too much for kids of a certain age, but there should be an appropriate age and information provided as well. Books are also a way for people/groups to come out and tell their unique stories, struggles, ideas, opinions, and points of view. Not everyone goes through the same trauma; this is another way of being heard.

 Response example: I agree with you ….

 Respond to classmate #2: Article they chose: Under The Law: Banning books: Unlawful censorship, or within a school’s discretion?

This article was very interesting to read. My initial thought was, “Wow, so many court cases about banning books because adults were afraid of the ‘influence’ it would cause on children.” That reasoning alone was a bit absurd, but then I questioned my own absurdity, could I be biased about their opinions?. Aren’t schools supposed to be a safe place for academic freedom? In my opinion, banning books will not change a person’s true personality. However, I do agree that information can be lethal, depending on how it is delivered and conveyed. However, having limited information actually creates that dangerous zone of thinking. It can stifle intellectual growth and limit the exploration of different ideas and perspectives. Without different perspectives, there is no way a child can come to conclusions.

Not only did the article mentioned and talked about many court cases that involved banning certain books in schools in the United States, but it ended with what a “cliffhanger”. The end says, “As the number of school book bans rises, we may see courts adopt a more deferential role to local school officials. But will schools and the law also recognize the need — especially for students without access to the internet or public libraries outside of school — to access materials that differ from, or even challenge, the prevailing views in their immediate communities? Or will access to diverse information and perspectives (much like access to equitable educational opportunities) depend on where a child happens to live?” … Some communities already suffer from limited access to materials and resources. Banning books will create an even more hostile environment.

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