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Response-The Dangers of Opioid Withdrawal and MAT in Addiction Treatment

Response-The Dangers of Opioid Withdrawal and MAT in Addiction Treatment

Responding to Sally Jo

Hello SJ,

This is a great post! Your analysis of Suzanne’s case was very thoughtful, and you covered the key clinical issues comprehensively. I agree that heroin and alcohol seem to be the primary substances she is addicted to. As you explained, opioid withdrawal poses significant risks, including fetal distress, preterm labor, or miscarriage if she quits suddenly. I appreciate you outlining the dangers both for Suzanne and the potential baby. Her continued heroin use and drinking before working the streets are extremely high risk. Moreover, your treatment recommendations are well-founded. MAT, contingency management, CBT, 12-step programs, motivational interviewing, and couples counseling could provide a supportive path to recovery (Fisher & Harrison, 2018). I agree that MAT is crucial to safely taper opioid use. A residential facility would also remove Suzanne from environmental triggers. Additionally, your point about referrals for housing assistance, prenatal medical care, parenting classes, and other social services is excellent. Suzanne needs significant support to make major life changes.

Building on your response, I might also recommend an addiction psychiatrist to manage her MAT and therapy. Many patients benefit from an integrated care approach with both psychotherapy and medication management (Carley & Oesterle, 2021). I also wonder if Suzanne has underlying trauma or mental health issues that therapy could address. Given her difficult childhood, trauma counseling seems indicated. Finally, I agree that Suzanne’s friend gave dangerous advice about continuing opioid use in pregnancy. However, her friend likely has the right intentions in wanting to keep Suzanne safe. Accordingly, peer recovery support groups could provide Suzanne with positive influences. Overall, you clearly explained the risks and provided sound recommendations. I appreciate you sharing your perspective on this complex case. Please let me know if you have any other insights. Thanks!


Carley, J. A., & Oesterle, T. (2021). Therapeutic approaches to opioid use disorder: What is the current standard of care? International Journal of General Medicine, Volume 14, 2305–2311.

Fisher, G. L., & Harrison, T. C. (2018). Substance abuse: Information for school counselors, social workers, therapists, and counselors. Pearson.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Please respond to the discussion post. Thank you; the Original question is attached. Thank you

Sally Jo or Sj

What drug(s) does Suzanne seem to be most addicted to? Heroin and beer
Of the drugs she is abusing, which one(s) pose more of a danger to withdraw from? Why? Heroin and opioids in her case due to the amount taken each day and sudden withdrawal issues to the baby’s health and ability to stay clean in the present environment. MAT is generally used in the first stage of opioid use to help reduce the risks and to monitor for other medicines or substances such as alcohol being used. (Basics About Opioid Use During Pregnancy | CDC, 2022).

Response-The Dangers of Opioid Withdrawal and MAT in Addiction Treatment

Response-The Dangers of Opioid Withdrawal and MAT in Addiction Treatment

What dangers do you see as you read this case? Environment as bf is also a heroin user, living style as she is the primary support and will be unable to do so as she continues with pregnancy, lack of education possibly or lack of means and income for the healthy living arrangement.
What are the dangers for Suzanne?

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