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Response – Interview Illusion

Response – Interview Illusion

Peer Response 1


Thank you for your post on the interview illusion. Focusing entirely on interviews to evaluate candidates can frequently result in inaccurate assessments and hiring decisions. Unstructured interviews may be particularly unhelpful since they give the interviewer an excessive amount of unnecessary information (Barkat, 2022). Alternative methods that can offer more precise insights into a candidate’s ability should be considered. Your suggestion to have interviewees present a 15-minute lesson on a subject of their choosing strikes me as a viable tactic. This enables the interviewer to evaluate the applicant’s public speaking abilities and capacity for audience engagement, clear communication, and factual information presentation. The subject the interviewee chooses might also reveal important information about their enthusiasm and expertise in the field they are applying for. Situational interviews are another helpful method discussed in the post. In these interviews, candidates are questioned fictitiously to gauge their ability to solve problems and make decisions in actual work settings. Notably, situational interviews can accurately predict a candidate’s success on the job. Are you interested in obtaining help on your assignment ? Reach out to us.


Barkat, T. (2022). Review EL’BAHITH -ENS -Bouzareah -Algiers Data Analysis of Interviews.

Response 2


Thank you for your post on the interview illusion and for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I concur with your opinion that an interview alone may not best predict a candidate’s suitability for a position. Other elements, like a candidate’s GPA and references or recommendations, can offer more trustworthy insights into their performance, work ethic, and possible fit for a position (Yusoff, 2019). The significance of GPA as a predictor of future job performance is fascinating. Although it may not be a perfect indicator, a person’s GPA can provide essential details about their potential to perform well in academics consistently. This might be interpreted as an indication of their commitment, discipline, and work ethic. Candidates who have regularly displayed these abilities and may be more likely to thrive in a professional setting can be found by using GPA as a criterion in the recruiting process. Additionally, although interviews can still be used as part of the selection process, it’s crucial to understand their limitations and consider other elements that can offer more trustworthy insights into a candidate’s potential.


Yusoff, M. S. B. (2019). Multiple Mini Interview as an admission tool in higher education: Insights from a systematic review. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 14(3), 203–240.


We’ll write everything from scratch


peer 1.) The interview illusion is the belief that you can learn much about a person in a short, unstructured interview to determine whether they are a good candidate for a job (Ross & Nisbett, 2011). I have interviewed people, and according to Dana et al. (2013), my assumption of my best choices based on an interview could have been a misjudgment. My interviews have been a mix of structured and unstructured questions. Research studies have found that unstructured interviews can be distracting by giving the interviewer too much worthless information, so much so that the research suggests not using them (Dana et al., 2013).

Response – Interview Illusion

Having this knowledge that I might make a misjudgment about hiring someone solely on an interview motivates me to think of other ways to ensure that the best candidate is chosen. Public speaking is one of the most essential skills in my field. I would have the interviewees come prepared to give a 15-minute lesson on anything they choose. They would be given directions a week before the interview so they would have plenty of time to prepare. How a person presented the lesson would let me see many attributes and at what level they could perform. I would seek clear communication, engagement in the chosen subject, and factual information. I think that the topic the interviewee chooses could also be a determination of whether a person researched the field of work they are applying to.

Creating an actual live situation, like having an interviewee give a lesson, could be a way to gain insights into a person’s capabilities. A hypothetical situation could be used if a live situation is not possible. The Ingold et al. (2014) study showed that situational interviews accurately forecast a person’s job performance. A situational interview asks hypothetical questions that are usually too challenging to give an easy set answer to. I have asked these types of questions in interviews, and they have given me the most accurate insight into how a person would handle conflict, safety issues, or challenging coworkers. Situational interviews provide insight to correctly predict a successful interview and job performance (Ingold et al. 2014).


Dana, J., Dawes, R., & Peterson, N. (2013). Belief in the unstructured interview: The persistence of an illusion. Judgment and Decision Making, 8(5), 512-n/a.

Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., König, C. J., Melchers, K. G., & Van Iddekinge, C. H. (2014a). Why do situational interviews predict job performance? The role of interviewees’ ability to identify criteria. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(2), 387–398.

Ross, L., & Nisbett, R. E. (2011). The person and the situation: Perspectives of Social Psychology. Pinter & Martin.

peer 2.) Ross & Nisbett (2011) describe the interview illusion as a dispositional thought that a short interview with a person will give the interviewers enough information to determine whether that person will be a good fit for a particular role (like a job) or not (pp. 136-138). Initially, I found this information quite shocking, however, it makes sense with all of the material we have learned thus far on behavior prediction. I have had experience co-interviewing individuals for a job in social services, what was important to me was the personal motivation for applying for the job. Secondly, I considered how the individual presented themselves and how they answered questions, which foolishly led me to believe this would be a good predictor of what type of worker they would be. Ross & Nisbett (2011) explain that scientific research shows a greater likelihood of predicting future work-related behavior is found in looking at the GPA of the individual rather than an interview. My thoughts on this is that the GPA is a decently accurate representation of work ethic and performance as it is determined by performance in individual classes over time. Knowing this, it would be silly of me not to consider GPA. I would not put as high of an emphasis on the degree (or lack of) in higher education as I would not be where I am today if someone did not take a chance on me. However, I would place great importance on the individual’s eagerness to move forward in the professional world. How could I judge that? Well, references and recommendation letters have proven to be more powerful in predicting if someone is right for the job or not (Ross & Nisbett, 2011, p. 138). Unfortunately, I still find myself placing importance on the interview and getting to know the person, but of course we all put our best faces on during an interview, so it makes sense an interview is not the most accurate predictor. A study by Dana, Dawes, & Peterson (2013) found that an interview can actually hinder the prediction process, so do we leave them out all together? Maybe not for me, but it would be the bottom at the totem pole with references/recommendations in the middle, and GPA at the top.


Dana, J., Dawes, R., & Peterson, N. (2013). Belief in the unstructured interview: The persistence of an illusion. Judgement & Decision Making, 8(5), 512-520.

Ross, L. & Nisbett, R. (2011). The person and the situation, perspectives of social psychology. Printer & Martin Ltd. ISBN 978-1-905177-44-8.

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