Response – Conflict Theory
I agree most with the conflict theory from the three sociological theories of ethnicity and race. Conflict theory holds that social order in a society is maintained through domination and power (Dahrendorf et al., 2006). Thereby, individuals and groups of people who hold the most wealth and power seek to maintain their position by suppressing minority groups. The central tenet of the conflict theory is that groups and individuals in society work to maximize wealth and power, and this triggers conflict.
One of the main reasons I find the conflict theory to be the most interesting is its relevance to recent ethnic-based conflicts globally. Governments, the media, and influential public figures have played a significant role in fueling ethnic-based conflicts (Dahrendorf et al., 2006). For instance, in France, the wearing of hijab by Islamic women is banned by the state due to security concerns. Such a decision results from fear and ignorance. The majority community in a society does not take time to understand the other. A closed mindset encourages adverse stereotypical viewpoints, which makes the majority community judge the minority community based on what they are known to stand for instead of their humanity. Hire our assignment writing services if your assignment is devastating you.
I believe the culture of prejudice made the most sense from the conflict theory. With increased prejudice, some people lose opportunities because of their perceived negative traits (Simpson et al., 2013). For instance, in the US, African-American and Hispanic men are perceived to be violent and aggressive. From simple depictions in movies to drawings in theatres and other public spaces, African-American and Hispanic men are associated with violence and thuggery. By constantly interacting with such material daily, members from specific majority communities form prejudices innocently. In the long run, those who find themselves in the negative side of the prejudiced culture lose opportunities.
Dahrendorf, R., Collins, R., & Further, S. (2006). Conflict and critical theories. Conflict and Critical Theories, 211-241.
Simpson, G. E., & Yinger, J. M. (2013). Racial and cultural minorities: An analysis of prejudice and discrimination. Springer Science & Business Media.
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Response – Conflict Theory
For this week’s assignment, please respond to the following in no more than one typed page, double-spaced, 12-point font:
Which sociological theory of race and ethnicity do you most agree with (Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Interactionism)? Why? What is it about this theory that makes the most sense to you?