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Response – Christianity and Sexuality

Response – Christianity and Sexuality

The article ‘Christian and Sexuality’ demonstrates the ideal importance of chastity among Christians. I learned that if individuals cannot control their sexual desires and live according to this ideal, it is better to marry. The Apostle Paul made marriage an alternative to maintaining one’s virginity. Today, many Christian churches stress premarital chastity based on the chastity ideal. The character Chaucer in ‘Wife of Bath Tale’ uses Apostle Paul’s teaching about marriage and chastity to defend her circumstances. Chaucer establishes that she is not perfect but demonstrates different ways to serve the Lord. The woman compares herself with a wooden utensil, which can serve similar functions as that of gold. The woman finds herself in a controversial situation where she battles with the Christian codes and defends herself from men who mock her for liking sex. Chaucer further cites the medieval perspective of the marital debt, where spouses owe one another conjugal rights to evade adultery. Some people believe that human genitals are for relieving oneself from body toxins. However, Chaucer opposes this and adds that they are also for pleasure and procreation. These activities do not anger God because He ordained them when creating Adam and Eve. Chaucer defies a society that burdens women with numerous rules that men hardly adhere to in their lives. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you. Our team of experts is ready to help.


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Response - Christianity and Sexuality

Response – Christianity and Sexuality

Classmate’s response is used as an example: From reading Christianity and Sexuality,” I learned about how Christians viewed sex as sinful if outside of marriage. Sex is to be done with a partner, and they belong to one another; this is what made it okay. Those who fell into temptation and had sex outside of marriage were sinners. The character in “The Wife of Bath Tales,” as you said, struggled with the Christian Code. She married 5 different times. She defends herself as if she didn’t practice chastity by saying, “It is better to marry than to burn.” Christians praised chastity because they think genitalia has one purpose, and that’s to urinate. She thinks otherwise and says it’s to be used for pleasure as well. I see this as Christians trying to put the blame on women as they are seen as temptations. It was mentioned how Eve was tempted by Satan, and she brought sin into the world by tempting Adam with the forbidden fruit. Men can’t do wrong, but women can, which makes them inferior to men.

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