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How to write a research paper outline

Research paper outline

Creating an outline goes a long way in assisting a writer to deliver the writing of a top-notch essay. Preparation is key and thus the importance of having an outline. The flow of your piece increases the probability of the reader staying with you until the end. The flow is made possible through the use of an organization that is acquired when you create an outline that will act like a road map that will depict how you arrive at writing an awesome research paper. Below you will get an extensive paper on the writing of a research paper outline.

Importance of research paper outline

  1. An outline will help you to create a flow in the piece you are writing. This is made possible through knowing how you will write the ideas that you have. A chronological flow of events or points should be present as the writer intends to know what you are conversing about in every moment of the writing
  2. Having an outline assists you to be able to create a thesis statement. Through the outline, you will be able to know your stand on the paper based on the points that you have presented in your outline. Structuring the thesis statement is important as it notifies the reader of what to expect in the paper without going off the view.
  3. Outlines will enable you to know where to place citations in the essay you are writing. Writing with the use of an outline enables you to maintain the amount of information you intend to use in the paper. If you write a paper without having an outline, you will notice that a lot of data will be lost.
  4. Formats will assist you when it comes to word count. Most essays have word counts and thus you need to have a plan to not have material that will lead to the breakage of the instructions placed.

How to write a research paper outline

The following steps below will assist you in the creation of an outline.

  1. You have to know what is required of you in the aspect of the kind of essay that you will be writing. Different essays have different requirements. How you tackle an argumentative essay is not the same as tackling a descriptive essay.
  2. Create a topic of choice if you are not assigned one by the instructor. In any case, if the topic is assigned you should ensure that you comprehend the topic.
  3. Perform research on the topic you are to converse about. This will assist you with the data that you will use to create the outline. You will also have a better understanding of how to structure the paper.
  4. Organize the outline. This can be written in the form of scribble work. You can use numerals as representatives in the outline. This helps the writing and restructuring of the outline easier and faster.
  5. Include mandatory sections. A good example is writing using the five-paragraph method even if you are tackling an essay that has requirements to be longer. Create the introduction phase with the intent to capture the attention, especially with the first statement.
  6. Compare the outline you have to other essays. This will illustrate to you if you are following the right procedure.

Example of research paper outline

1.      Introduction

You start with the introductory sentence that is meant to be captivating to the reader. The second sentence is the support sentence. You should write a quote in support of the introduction sentence. The last sentence of the introduction paragraph should entail the thesis statement that illustrates the intent that you have while writing your paper.

2.      Body paragraphs

The body section should entail three or more paragraphs with the following setting.  The topic sentence begins the paragraph and it has to relate to the thesis statement that you chose in the introduction paragraph. You should add a support sentence to follow up on the topic sentence. Add more than three more sentences that are explanatory to give the reader a clear illustration of what you are writing about in the said paragraph.

3.      The conclusion paragraph

The conclusion paragraph is a wind-up to the essay, you should converse about the thesis statement in a new version and imply that the whole essay you have written is in direct support. Add two more sentences that are supportive of the rephrased thesis statement. Lastly, give an opinion with a stand that is in support of the thesis statement. Ensure you do not add new information when conversing in the conclusion paragraph.

Research paper outline APA format

The outline is usually roughly the same. The differences that emerge when you are considering the APA format are the specific guidelines. Below you will get the different instructions that you will use when writing the outline.

  1. Font

The accepted font when writing in APA format is the use of Times New Roman font. You should ensure that the font size is 12. In other scenarios, the serif and san fonts can be used but the font size will be 11.

  1. Spacing

Double spacing between words is the correct spacing when writing your paper.

  1. Numerals

When writing your outline, you should use Arabic and Roman numerals

  1. Headings

The headings should be denoted differently. Roman numerals are used to number the main topics. When you are writing the subheadings, you should use capital letters to number them.

  1. Margins

You should use the standard layout, this includes the use of a 1-inch margin from where you start writing from the top and from the right each time you write a new line. You should indicate the page number in the top right corner.

  1. Structure

The structure should be the same as indicated in the paper previously. It should constitute the introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should constitute important background data on what you are about to convert. The body is the section where you will place the material that you need in the writing of your paper. The conclusion should be treated as a wind-up after the writing of the paper.

Tips for writing an outline

  1. Ensure that you have denoted your primary goal. Scribble down a few points that you want to form the basis of the outline. This way you will have a target that will help you not miss out on points
  2. Use the division rule. This will assist you to know where to place specific data. Through this point, you can be able to know when to specify a topic and what data should be moved to the corresponding subheading.
  3. Ensure that you maintain parallelism. This is an important aspect, it implies that if you begin headings with a noun, ensure that you maintain that in the whole outline.
  4. Ensure that your material has headings and subheadings. If you see a topic that is lesser than the previous one, you should denote it using fonts and sizes so that the reader can comprehend it easily. An example is a case where a reader reads data on a topic and realizes it has similar data as the previous section and it has not been denoted as a sub-topic.
  5. You should avoid redundancy. Converse about the topic in depth but do not repeat it in your paper.
  6. Wrap the paper in a way the reader will remember the paper you had written. Make sure that you converse in brief in the conclusion section about the main points. You should not introduce new material in this section. Show your stand about the thesis and you can compare the paper to other papers but you should ensure that you do not sound disrespectful.

Research paper outline example

Writing an outline cannot be deemed an easy feat. This being the case that it requires lots of effort should indicate that getting assistance will be beneficial to you in the writing of the outline. If you are having queries on how to write the outline, you should visit our website at Here you will get examples that are written by experts. The experts have written outline examples that will assist you in the writing of your outline.

You can also get assistance in the writing of the outline. Our research paper writers are seasoned writers and their experience will help you get a top-notch outline. The prices on the website are pocket friendly.


This article has information on how to write a research paper outline that will enable you to achieve perfect scores. Students should write college research paper outlines that follow the formats written above. The tips conversed about will assist you to create an outline that will be efficient. Contact us if you have queries that you need to be tackled concerning writing of a research paper outline. Our expert accounting homework help will make you shine in your respective accounting field.

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