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Research – Best Data Collection Method

Research – Best Data Collection Method

Interviewing, Observation, and Questionnaires and How They Can Be Advantageous In Business Research

Interviewing is a data collection method that includes a conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee (Ryen, 2014). It is conducted like a survey where specific questions are asked to address research questions. The main types of interviews are telephonic and personal interviews. Telephonic interviews include asking questions via phone, and personal interviews include face-to-face question-and-answer sessions between an interviewee and interviewer (Kaar, 2012). On the other hand, questionnaires are a list of questions used to gather information from respondents about experiences, attitudes, or opinions (Wilson, 2013). Do you need help with your assignment ? Get in touch with us at

The main difference between attitudes and questionnaires is that questionnaires are limited to predetermined questions while interviews prompt a wide range of responses. The main advantage of questionnaires is that they are economical. A researcher can distribute a single questionnaire to many people (Beiske, 2007). According to Falissard (2011), online questionnaires are more economical because they are distributed to many respondents over the Internet. The second advantage is anonymity, giving respondents more confidence to participate in research. The main advantage of interviews is that the interviewer controls the order of questions. The interviewer can also emphasize the questions they need to get more information about.

The Data Collection Method That Will Best Align With The Research Question Identified In The Business Research Proposal

Questionnaires are the most appropriate data collection method for my research. The questionnaires will include both open-ended and closed questions on the role of recycling in preventing environmental pollution. The questionnaires will be distributed online to reduce the cost of conducting the research. Distributing the questionnaires online will also play a significant role in reaching many respondents, thus increasing the information required to address the research questions.

The Key Variables That Will Be Measured In The Data Collection Process

The main variables that will be measured in the research are recycling and environmental pollution. The researcher will demonstrate the relationship between environmental pollution and recycling by considering environmental pollution as the independent variable and environmental pollution as the dependent variable. According to Patricia (2012), a dependent variable is a variable that is subject to change as a result of the manipulation of an independent variable. On the other hand, an independent variable is a variable that is manipulated by the researcher in a study to determine its effects. It is also known as a predictor, explanatory, or right-hand side variable. The main types of independent variables are subject and experimental variables. The researcher can directly manipulate experimental variables, and subject variables cannot be manipulated but can be used categorically.

The Target Population

The target population is manufacturers who have adopted recycling to reduce waste to reduce pollution. The researcher will focus on manufacturing companies that have embraced environmental sustainability by recycling and reusing. The researcher will limit the target population to manufacturing companies in the United States, including startup manufacturing companies that are active in promoting environmental sustainability.

Ensuring That The Selected Data Collection Process Is Informed By Sound, Ethical Principles

The researcher will ensure the selected data is informed by sound ethical principles by maintaining the anonymity of research participants. The research participants will also be required to sign an informed consent form before they start participating in the study. The form will include guidelines on participation requirements, such as informing participants that their participation is voluntary and informing participants about the benefits and risks of participating in the research. The researcher will also maintain the anonymity of all research participants. Research participants will not be required to give personal details such as their names and addresses when filling out the questionnaires. In addition, the researcher will also adhere to ethical principles by encrypting all data collected in the research to ensure that it is not accessed by anyone who is not part of the study.

The main research principles in research focus on putting God first, being diligent in one’s work, and always being willing to give. The authors add that the bible highlights the main concepts within research. One of the overreaching biblical principles that will be followed in the research is being diligent while conducting the research. The principle will be followed by doing thorough research. I will conduct a pilot study to ensure that the questionnaire is effective in collecting data for the research. I will also support my findings with empirical data from peer-reviewed journals on recycling and its role in environmental sustainability. The second biblical principle is being transparent. I will give research participants all information about the research, including how the information they provide will be used. Next, I will observe respect for persons by giving them the freedom to leave the study at any time. In addition, I will also observe beneficence by acknowledging the participation of the researchers by sharing the research findings with them. I will observe justice by distributing the benefits to all participants equally. I will also distribute the risks in the study equally. The main anticipated risks are the loss of data which could, in turn, result in repeating data collection and analysis.


Beiske, B. (2007). Research methods. Uses and limitations of questionnaires, interviews, and case studies. GRIN Verilog.

Falissard, B. (2011). Analysis of questionnaire data with R. CRC Press.

Kaar, M. (2012). A critical investigation of the merits and drawbacks of in-depth interviews. GRIN Verlag.

Patricia, T. (2012). Dependent and independent variables – Unabridged guide. Tebbo.

Ryen, A. (2014). Doing interviews in social research: A practical guide. Sage Publications.

Wilson, C. (2013). Questionnaires and surveys. Credible Checklists and Quality Questionnaires, 29-79.


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Research – Best Data Collection Method

Data collection is a very critical stage of the overall research process as it provides the information needed to answer the research questions. Since data collection also involves a large investment of resources, it is important to plan properly to ensure data is collected on the key variables specified by the research question(s) and conceptual approach and that the data collection plan is appropriate for the target population to secure constructive participation in the study (Kviz, 2020).

As presented in the textbook, three core data collection methods are used most often in business research: Interviewing, Observation and Questionnaires (Semarang & Bougie, 2016). For this assignment, you will be required to analyze these three methods of data collection and determine which method might be most suitable for the study to be conducted in your business research proposal. This assignment will also require you to explore biblical principles that might help to inform ethical data collection processes and research practices. Please address the following areas for this assignment:
1. Briefly analyze the data collection methods of interviewing, observation and questionnaires and how they can be advantageous in business research.
2. Which data collection method will best align with the research question identified in your business research proposal? Provide a rationale for your selection.
3. Based on your research question, what key variables will you measure in the data collection process?
4. What will be the target population?
5. Describe how you will ensure your selected data collection process is informed by sound, ethical principles. Discuss the overarching biblical principles that align, at a minimum, with the ethical guidelines outlined in the Belmont Report, respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Scriptural references should be included.

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