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Rent Relief

Rent Relief


John Doe

2 Malison Street

San Francisco, CA 94369.


Mark Twain

3 Ch1rrywood Street

San Francisco, CA 94113.

Re: Request to Reduce Restaurant Rent in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear Mr. Twain,

In the three years since we began business, the overall economic upward trend has positively impacted restaurants. Restaurants have been viewed as a place for entertainment, convenience, and an affordable alternative for meal preparations outside of homes. Restaurants have enjoyed patronage from families as well as individuals from all walks of life.

A restaurant is a capital-intensive investment. The equipment used cannot be used for any other business. The staff need adequate training and need to be paid even when no customers visit a restaurant. Additionally, some restaurants operate 24 hours and, therefore, have a higher staff number than others. There is also the issue of goods. Almost every item on our menu requires perishable stuff. A restaurant needs to make accurate predictions of the expected customers and use that information to budget for raw materials.

Like all other businesses, there are two ways to profitability for restaurants. These are increasing revenue and reducing costs. In the last three years, we have worked at implementing these two and have succeeded in being relevant in the industry. However, following the immediate announcement of the COVID-19 pandemic, my restaurant, as other restaurants did, experienced a sharp decline in customer patronage. The restaurant mitigated this decline by reducing the number of staff as well as the raw materials ordered. As you know, sir, the situation has only worsened with a total lockdown. No patrons are coming to the restaurant, and it has remained closed throughout the lockdown period.

In light of the government directive to remain indoors, the restaurant has not made any sales and, consequently, no profits. Therefore, I kindly request that you consider reducing its monthly rent by 60% as the business attempts to sail through this hard economic time. If there is another way that we can make this work, I would be more than happy to know.

Kindly let me know what you think. I am happy to have this conversation via Skype to keep social distancing.


John Doe.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Rent Relief Letter

Let’s use our skills to request rent relief in these difficult times. Things to consider:

Rent Relief

Rent Relief

-This should look like a letter not an essay so it shouldn’t be too long,

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