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Reflection – Teaching Philosophy

Reflection – Teaching Philosophy

In learning, one can grasp either the physical or mental content of a subject. I make sense of events, feelings, and topics by interpreting them in my actions and words. Learning incorporates the whole personality. It involves emotions, values, will, intuition, and senses. My brain uses both cognitive and physical structures to retrieve, process, and store knowledge.  I can learn consciously or unconsciously. Internal manipulation of acquired information helps in processing and retaining knowledge.  Learning can be influenced by external factors like cultural analysis, misconceptions, and language.

As a teacher, I can intervene in the learning process of children. As a teacher, I’m a mentor, facilitator, and leader. In educating, I disseminate knowledge and receive feedback from the students on the classroom experience. Feedback from the students can help me in improving my teaching skills. As a mentor, I offer support to my students (Liston et al., 2008). I help and support them in achieving specific goals. I’m a leader, I understand my students, and I can interpret all the learners. It helps in adjusting strategies that can improve the students’ learning experience. My role as a leader gives me the mandate to establish policies, represent an educational institution, and integrate or assess content. In facilitating, I support the classroom learning experience and meet the needs of the students.

The main goals of my students are staying focused and positive, staying resilient, managing their time, striving for excellence, being patient in achieving their goals, and building a solid network. Thinking positively makes it easier for them to learn new information and focus on their tasks. Staying resilient is an important goal to them. It helps them acknowledge their challenges and adapt or find ways to overcome those (Conzemius & Neill, 2009). Time management is critical. It helps them prioritize tasks, finish work on time, make time to read, and relax, and plan. With good time management, learning becomes more effortless and smooth. In striving for excellence, they strive to become better each day. They set goals and strive to reach or exceed them through practice. Networking is vital for the students; it enables them to build long-lasting relationships to help them become better. It also helps in improving their skills and knowledge. Patience is very vital. It allows them to concentrate on the consistency and hard work they have put in their work hence become excellent with time.

I will establish a relationship that is positive between my students and me. Praising students who do well will encourage them. I encourage them to ask questions and engage with me in 2-way feedback. Organizing group projects will help them working as a team and learning from one another. To mentor my students, I will set expectations, ask questions, provide feedback, and acknowledge achievements. I will be individually interested in the student and be a positive role model. In my teaching, I will use materials like handouts, textbooks, charts, and podcasts. To assess my students, I will create assignments and exams. I am using concept tests/maps; evaluate group work, and creating a rubric.

My growth plan is in all aspects, social, intellectual, physical, and professional. In academic growth, I will focus on acquiring knowledge. I want to increase my ability to retain and develop information. Reading books will be of great help to me. Physically I will take care of my body. A workout routine, taking a healthy diet, and observing hygiene at all times will help. In my social goal, I will create time to relax, boost energy, and have pleasure. I will make time for my hobbies like playing music, visiting places, and spending time with friends. In my professional goal, I will focus on money. Investing, spending, and saving are essential to improving professionally.

Works Cited

Conzemius, A., & O’Neill, J. (2009). The power of SMART goals: Using goals to improve student learning. Solution Tree Press.

Liston, D., Borko, H., & Whitcomb, J. (2008). The teacher educator’s role in enhancing teacher quality.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Teaching Philosophy project:

A statement of teaching philosophy is a reflection on why and how you do what you do as a teacher. Information that describes a teaching philosophy and its components is included below. These guidelines should be incorporated into your statement. The teaching philosophy should look professional, be typed, and have no grammatical or spelling errors.

Reflection – Teaching Philosophy

A Teaching Philosophy is…
· A written 1-2 page statement
· Avoids technical terms
· Written in first person “I”
· Reflective and personal
· Creates a vivid portrait of a person who is intentional about teaching practices and committed to a career as a teaching scholar

What is covered in a Teaching Philosophy?
· How you think learning occurs
· How you think you can intervene in the process/what is the role of the teacher
· What you think are the main goals for your students
· What actions you take to implement your intentions (how you conduct class, how you mentor students, instructional materials, how you assess students)
· Your plans for personal growth as a teacher

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