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Reevaluating National Security Strategies- The Case for Soft Approaches in Addressing Terrorism

Reevaluating National Security Strategies- The Case for Soft Approaches in Addressing Terrorism

How would you characterize the U.S. approach and measures to counter-terrorism and secure the homeland?

The U.S. uses the war model to counter terrorism and secure the homeland. This model treats terrorism as an act of war. It is designed to gain control over the enemy by using maximum force. It is considered efficient, quick, and suited to the threat posed by ideologically driven, decentralized terrorist networks whose unity is not deterred by conventional criminal justice or contained by military power. There is a high risk of unpremeditated consequences that can increase violence, undermine the legitimacy of governments that use it, or lead states to anti-democratic governance (Jacobs, 2017). However, it does not imply that the model cannot be an effective and valuable tool in the general counter-terrorism approach. Under various strict conditions, using force is acceptable. The U.S. also uses the intelligence approach, which helps the agency learn about a terrorist attack before it happens and prevent it from happening. The U.S. also gathers knowledge to discover where terrorists intend to attack and prevent the attacks. This has resulted in widespread surveillance of various individuals, including those suspected of funding terrorist organizations and politicians, creating loopholes to make it easier for terrorists to maintain their activities without being detected.

How does it compare to the approach advocated by critics of security and military measures?

The U.S approach and measures to counter terrorism compare to the approach advocated by critics of security and military measures by following the three terrorism prevention measures, which are critical infrastructure protection, targeting hardening, regulating, and monitoring the flow of money, people, goods, and services (Brooks, 2013). Possible targets are made less attractive or hard to attack by hardening them. Terrorists are forced to find alternatives and innovate, planning and typing up resources. This model can be utilized in tracing the movement of goods, people, and money to uncover plots in destroying and making them or obstructing the preparation of terrorists.

Is there an optimal balance between security and individual liberties?

An optimal balance between individual liberties and security is achieved by treating terrorism as a crime. This implies that terrorism is considered to be a crime instead of a personal offence requiring special punishment or procedures. The rule of failing to delegitimize terrorism changed after the 2001 September 11 attack, where the Western countries only formed terrorist attacks that may include committing acts for terrorist purposes or committing terrorist acts.

Are there options to minimize the encroachment of civil liberties while enhancing security?

The main actions to minimize the encroachment of civil liberties while enhancing security are using persuasive counter-terrorism, which includes understanding and dealing with the ideas that undermine the use of terrorism in political and social life. This approach includes preventing undesired viewpoints among terrorists by applying counter-terrorism communication where different messages are passed to different audiences and promoting the desired perception among terrorist organizations, foreign supporters, and their sympathizers (Manu, 2021). Counter-radicalization efforts can be directed towards eliminating the recruitment of terrorists by eliminating potential recruits and communities at risk and using deradicalization efforts aimed at removing the belief system or perception pushing people towards terrorist acts.

Is there a way to develop an adaptive approach to security that includes an all-of-the-above strategy and optimizes security measures in the homeland and abroad?

An adaptive approach to security that incorporates an inclusive strategy and optimizes security measures abroad and in the homeland can be achieved by using initiatives that create a long-term solution to terrorism. This includes environment-causing terrorism, such as the rapid radicalization of young people and lack of education, as well as the structural factors that can create a favourable climate for the use and promotion of terrorism. The main effective long-term counter-terrorism approach aims at implementing strategies that can make terrorism less attractive and more complicated to join


Brooks, M. D. (2013). Civil-military cooperation for counter-terrorism operations within the United States.

Jacobs, M. D. (2017). A ‘Paradigm of prevention:’ United States counter-terrorism strategies in a transnational world. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Counterterrorism Policy, 163-194.

Manu, Y. A. (2021). United States’ counter-terrorism and counterinsurgency strategy in Africa. The Routledge Handbook of Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency in Africa, 230-245.


We’ll write everything from scratch


This Discussion Board will examine the hypothesis that U.S. security would be more effective if efforts were focused more on the economic, social, political, and religious causes of terrorism than expending heavily on military, security, and law enforcement measures.

Reevaluating National Security Strategies- The Case for Soft Approaches in Addressing Terrorism

In the United States, organizations that charter to safeguard civil rights and constitutional structures are among the critics of the hard approach to security. Even at the international level, where there is no general agreement on the definition of terrorism, there appears to be an effort to endorse soft measures to counter-terrorism as a more effective, long-term approach that does not infringe on basic civil liberties.

In this context, examine the balance between security and individual rights established by the Constitution. You are expected to use previous coursework and research from current publications to analyze and discuss whether this approach is a feasible and viable alternative to current security strategies. Include answers to the following questions:

-How would you characterize the U.S. approach and measures to counter terrorism and secure the homeland?
-How does it compare to the approach advocated by critics of security and military measures?
-Is there an optimal balance between security and individual liberties?
-Are there options to minimize the encroachment of civil liberties while enhancing security?
-Is there a way to develop an adaptive approach to security that includes an all-of-the-above strategy and optimizes security measures in the homeland and abroad?

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