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Real-World Self-Leadership

Real-World Self-Leadership 

The Nash Trash Sisters

With close monitoring of the Nash Trash Case, it is clear that different thoughts relate to self-management in business. Their creativity in coming up with the Nash Trash Tour business is an actual venture that one has to remain off the beaten path, particularly in business. Thus, the paper is an analysis of this case with regard to how it might be of relevance and prevalence to business readers.

According to how I see things, the Jugg sisters seemingly love their work, and that is the reason they spend some time reading magazines and watching videos from the library about Nashville to prepare their shtick. After spending a lot of unsuccessful time away from each other, the Jugg sisters are frustrated; they brainstorm what they can do together. Further, they still want to continue performing so that they can make a living and eventually become their own bosses. Thus, their preparation for this fancy act is enough evidence to describe their love for their work. One of the sisters claims the need to go off the unbeaten path; thus, who would not like to remain definitely off the beaten path? The reason why this seems like “work” to them is that the Nash Trash tour is so popular that it has even sold out weeks in advance. Likewise, the sisters have also had to purchase a bigger bus to fetch more customers as well as income.

The sisters’ Big Pink Bus, sporting spandex clothes, leopard-print tops, and lots of accessories in shades of their pink and passionate colour are some of the specific characteristics of the Jugg Sisters’ work environment that make it naturally rewarding. With their Southern accents, bright makeup and a dangerous fixation on the pink colour, the Jugg Sisters acquire centre stage behind their driver before enough capacity of the audience. The two-act show is a pone-mix of music and comedy and plenty of truth to make the audience wonder. All these features tend to exemplify the event and also make the tour very popular because of the desire of different audiences concerning the advertisement.

One of their strategies is the practice of self-observation. It is the foundation for personal change in developing awareness of their behaviour and its causes. The reason behind their success in the current business is that the Jugg Sisters understand the period of the week they should be at work, as well as what conditions of the audience might lead them to use certain behaviours during the tour. Furthermore, time management is a concern; thus, these smart women have created their way to spend time together, entertain, and run a successful business.

The sassy women have also conducted self-goal settings. The reason why they are working collectively smart is that they desire to remain their own bosses and make a living out of business after what they have been through initially. They also want to be unbeaten, and that is the reason why they use smart techniques to set their objectives, like the Nash Trash tour. Seemingly, the Jugg Sisters have a time-bound business. For example, when the bus reaches the Nashville jail, the sisters give their audience a snoop on which stars have spent a night or two in prison, along with other tales in association with that particular time.

The performance of their pink bus clearly depicts how they have monitored thought patterns.

One useful technique that they possess is positive imagery. They have used this to excel. For example, the reason behind their very successful business is that they have mentally pictured themselves as strategic thinkers. That is also the situation in the wacky Nash Trash tour’s popularity, which sells out for weeks in advance.

I think the Jugg Sisters experience majestic moments in their work because the Nash Trash Tour is a funny and bizarre musical comedy tour through Nashville’s top sites, which is filled with music venues, restaurants, neon lights, huge signs and tons of fun. Seemingly, the Jugg Sisters are so entertaining and quick-witted, which is a perfect way to go through the Nashville jaunt at least twice a week. The Jugg Sisters must also experience a lot of epic moments because of their accessories like the Big Pink Bus and others in shades of pink, which is their passionate colour. Such environment and passion clearly flashlights the intensity of the fun they might be experiencing in their work routine.

It is evident that self-leadership, as well as self–observation, is a key towards becoming a very successful manager of your own business. It also indicates choosing career objectives concerning our passion. The paper discusses an analysis of the working environment and how this determines the success of the business. To make their business more naturally rewarding, the Jugg Sisters also employ specific self-leadership strategies like self-observation and self-goal setting towards achieving their objectives. What is more, the fact that the sassy women have been actresses throughout their lives warrants them fun in their work, plus other majestic moments.

Gift Ngoepe

In what ways did positive thinking help Ngoepe to be successful in his life and career?

 Ngoepe utilized positive thinking throughout his life and career that helped him become the best version of himself and chase his dreams of joining gifted athletes in Major League Baseball. His mother was his greatest influence in accomplishing his goals. “She told him to never give up on his dream of playing major league baseball” (Neck et al., 2020, pg. 122).

Despite the hurdles he faced, like people telling him he was not good enough to play in the big leagues or that he would be the first African-born player appearing in the big leagues, positive thinking allowed Ngoepe to believe that he could achieve his goals and make history after spending nine years in the minors perfecting his craft.

Anyone with a pessimistic attitude would have either blamed his failures on someone else or would have given up after spending nine years in the minor league, hoping to be brought up to the MLB one day. This mindset enabled Ngoepe to focus on his dreams and accomplish the goals set forth by himself. Positive thinking also helped calm the athlete’s nerves to be able to bat against one of the best pitchers in the league at the time, Jon Lester. His first hit in the MLB was a motivational drive to continue to set new goals for himself and create a legacy that stems from the support and pushes from his mother to be successful in life.

Explain how Ngoepe used self-talk to be successful in his first at-bat in the majors.

 First, we want to define what self-talk is relative to Ngoepe’s success in the MLB. “Self-talk is the way you talk to yourself or your inner voice. You might not be aware that you’re doing it, but you almost certainly are. This inner voice combines conscious thoughts with inbuilt beliefs and biases to create an internal monologue throughout the day” (Healthdirect, n.d.). This inner conversation you have with yourself is critical to the way you feel and what you may act on. Depending on how you utilize self-talk, it can be supportive and beneficial to your life, or it can become negative and undermine your confidence. In his first at-bat in the big leagues, Ngoepe appeared to be nervous, and it was taking over his whole body as he could not control how he was feeling.

He kept telling himself to breathe, reminded himself that it was another ballgame, and did a mental projection of how we could calm his emotions down that were amplified under this new situation of anxiety. He also had a plan for how we tackle the pitches coming from Lester, who was very good at his position. He stuck to his plan despite his thoughts to do otherwise and eventually got his first hit to make history. This was because he talked himself through each step of his at-bat, and when it came to that moment, he threw his emotions to the side and stayed focused on the baseball. Self-talk can make the difference between happiness and despair or self-confidence and self-doubt (Neck et al., 2020, pg. 98). It all depends on how you utilize that strategy.

How do you think Ngoepe may have used the strategies of evaluating beliefs and assumptions, and mental practice during his rise to the major leagues?

It seems that a lot of life’s problems are reflections of dysfunctional thinking, where mental distortions form the basis for destructive thinking that can hinder self-growth and even lead to mental health conditions like depression. These thoughts can become activated by your surrounding environment or individualized situations that may spark a reaction or behaviour.

Evaluating beliefs and assumptions is like the quote by Henry Ford that states, “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right.” We can achieve only what we believe in ourselves as possible. If I wanted to learn a backflip, I could practice every day for the next year until I perfected that. It would take a lot of time, effort, and mental will to achieve this task, but I could do it if I put my mind to it and believed I could. Ngoepe used the same strategy when accomplishing his goals. He blocked out negative (or dysfunctional) thinking that would hinder his opportunity to make it to the big leagues. He surrounded himself with successful people, training and going to events that would help sharpen his skillset. He attended the MLB academy in Italy twice and worked with baseball legend Barry Larkin, Hall of Fame shortstop for Cincinnati.

The mental practice Ngoepe had with himself and the self-talk he would perform resulted in the achievements he obtained. By visualizing how you would complete an event before taking part in it, you are actively setting yourself up for success because of the confidence and positive mindset attached to that goal. Ngoepe visualized his first chance to prove himself in the MLB after spending so many years in the minors, never getting a shot to prove his talent to the team. Chris Archer, a pitcher for the Tampa Bay Rays, explains the importance of Gift’s achievement in a heavily competitive league of talent: “’ You see a black American on another team and you tip your cap; you know there’s only 7 or 8 percent of us here. So now, when you see a black African — not a black American, but a black African — it’s the pinnacle of achievement in baseball for the people of that race, of that ethnicity, of that origin’” (Kepner, 2017). Not only is this an achievement for Ngoepe, but it is a message of hope and determination to the people in Africa that may not get the same chances to show off their athletic talents here in the United States. If you try hard enough and believe in your goals, you can do anything you put your mind to.

During nine years in the minor leagues, Ngoepe experienced many failures and setbacks in his career. How was he able to overcome those failures and realize his dream of playing major league baseball?

Most successful people in life started out as failures once or failed at something they did in their careers. A lot of tech business owners were college dropouts that ended up making billions of dollars each year. Failures should not be treated like speeding tickets; they are not bad things unless you never learn from them! It is a way to learn from past mistakes and provide a stepping stone to new breakthroughs and successes in life. One of the setbacks Ngoepe had in his career was playing in the minor leagues for so long. He mentioned how much of a tiring process his journey has been, but he was able to take that time to better understand himself and to become a better person and player to his teammates.

He has always had ups and downs but never lost sight of his vision to play professional baseball. Another setback he had was the loss of his mother due to pneumonia. He could have quit baseball then because of the importance his mother had on his life, but instead, he was reminded why he started playing baseball in the first place and knew she would have wanted him to continue playing the sport he loves. He came back strong after two weeks and finished out the season, later sharing his knowledge and helping other athletes run a camp with pitcher Chris Archer from the Tampa Bay Rays. His career is a reminder of what you can achieve with positive thinking and the right people pushing you to be the best version of yourself.


O’Reilly, Nancy D. Leading Women: 20 Influential Women Share Their Secrets to Leadership, Business, and Life. , 2015. Print.

Neck, C. P., Manz, C. C., & Houghton, J. D. (2020). Self-leadership: The Definitive Guide to Personal Excellence. SAGE.

Kepner, T. (2017, May 8). The First African to play in the Major Leagues is a ‘pinnacle’ for baseball. The New York Times. Retrieved September 25, 2022, from pirates.html

Healthdirect Australia. (n.d.). Self-Talk. Healthdirect. Retrieved September 25, 2022, from



We’ll write everything from scratch


Real-World Self-Leadership Case: The Nash Trash Sisters

Confucius said, “Find a job you love, and you will never work another day in your life.” As you read about the Jugg Sisters and their radical change, what did you immediately think or feel? What self-leadership strategies have the sisters used to make their jobs more naturally rewarding?

Real-World Self-Leadership


Real-World Self-Leadership Case: Gift Ngoepe: We Have Made History!

Gift Ngoepe was given a difficult set of circumstances. How do you think Ngoepe may have used the strategies of evaluating beliefs and assumptions, and mental practice during his rise to the major league? In what ways did positive thinking impact Ngoepe’s life? What specific self-leadership strategies did Ngoepe use to help him achieve success?

300 words

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