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Rationale Statement

Rationale Statement

Portfolios tend to present documented teaching proof from various sources and also provide a framework for that proof. The choosing and organizing process for the portfolio material could help me reflect on and enhance my teaching. As such, the materials I will include in my portfolio comprise a summary of my teaching responsibilities, a short discussion of my teaching techniques and approaches, a reflective statement of my teaching goals and philosophy, actions taken to improve teaching, and a statement of plans and goals.

The reason for including my teaching accountabilities is that it will show my teaching experience and my capacity to execute such duties and ensure excellence among the learners in the future. Additionally, a short discussion of my teaching techniques and approaches will showcase my effectiveness as an instructor and my capacity to utilize varying strategies to meet the needs of each learner. A reflective statement of my teaching goals and philosophy will show my beliefs regarding teaching and how I will most likely impact the learners, the school, and the community. As stated earlier, my educational philosophy is that every student can be intelligent despite their current conditions, and my role as a teacher is to instill this belief in them. Moreover, the reason for including actions taken to improve my teaching skills is to showcase my expertise as an instructor, foster self-reflection, and show the potential to keep acting toward my growth as an instructor. A statement of plans and goals will help to show my determination and drive for the future and keep me working hard to attain the objectives. Generally, these artifacts will help me give my best to students, be dependable, and become an excellent instructor.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Rationale Statement

Using examples in your book, create a rationale statement for the items you plan to put into your portfolio. Please follow the directions provided on p.45 in your text. Remember to check your paper before submitting it.
An Artifact Rationale Test has been attached to help guide you with this assignment; this tool should help you compose your rationale statements easily.

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