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Racial inequity

Racial inequity

How racial inequity is understood and used varies widely across the political spectrum. Liberals and Progressives see racial inequity as an objective reference to an imbalance that reflects underlying societal patterns that include but are not limited to, racial attitudes/bias and that act subtly to undermine but exclude socio-economic systems that embed the legacy of slavery and legal discrimination. While the Conservative’s perspective feels the key issue is an opportunity, especially since legal barriers are now down, every person’s progress results from the intensity of their effort. Society does not owe people more than removing barriers.

(AllSides, 1) In 2021, Joseph Williams wrote an article concerning America’s struggle to overcome racial inequity; this paper aims to give an overall impression of the issue.

In the spring of 2020, a disturbing pattern emerged as the coronavirus pandemic swept through the United States: African Americans were twice as likely to become infected with the virus and die from COVID-19 than whites. As the pandemic death count spiralled, George Floyd died face-down on a Minneapolis street, a white police officer pressing his knee on the Black man’s neck. A bystander’s video of the killing ignited fierce protests nationwide, demanding justice and spurring an overdue reckoning on race. (Williams, 2) Evaluating the outcome of the law from Floyd’s death makes you wonder what kind of society we live in and how the laws are determined. Does race play a role in who is guilty or not guilty? Does race play a role in whether an officer gets a break or is punished? It’s hard to believe in a justice system when you see so many cases happening as this particular case.

Then in January, a mob of far-right extremists, white supremacists and backers of former President Donald Trump stormed the U. S. Capitol in Washington in a deadly riot, bent on overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election by violence if necessary. Some in the mob sported MAGA gear; others wore neo-Nazi paraphernalia and waved Confederate flags. If the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama was to have ushered in a unified, “post-racial America,” then events of the past 13 months confirm that, when it comes to race, the U. S. is still a house divided against itself. Some 156 years after the Confederate Army surrendered to Union forces at Appomattox to end the Civil War, a nation that stands as a global beacon of freedom and liberty cannot atone for its “original sin” of slavery. (Williams, 2)

Regarding the racial inequity issue, it is saddening how society still is secretly racist in certain areas. My grandmother, who was in church, raised me to love all people. Still, my father was always angry with “the white man” because he had to quit school in the eighth grade to help my grandmother provide for his brothers and sisters by working in the cotton fields, so I heard a different perspective from him. Still, thankfully I gained my own opinion, and today I choose to evaluate the information before forming an opinion. In today’s society, tabloids, social media, and news broadcasts can sway your actions and thoughts about racism before you know the facts if you don’t research. If you have a problem with another race, it’s not wrong, in my opinion, because everybody is entitled to like or dislike what they want; what makes it wrong is when you promote hatred and violence with it, and someone gets hurt or even dies because of it.


2022. Racial Inequity.

Joseph Williams. April 13, 2021. America’s Struggle to Overcome Racial




We’ll write everything from scratch



We all have different experiences going through life. Those experiences shape how we view the world and how we behave in it. In this assignment, you are going to look at your own experiences of the world and culture we live in by being reflexive. As you have learned over the past few weeks, reflexivity is “disciplined self-reflection” meant to build deeper understanding, not just of ourselves, but of the larger world. The goal of reflexivity is to understand others so that we can understand ourselves and grow. To be disciplined, the reflection needs to be purposeful and directed, meaning we need to look at something specific in the world and then compare it to our own personal experiences and decide if this new knowledge changes how we think and feel.

Racial inequity

This assignment provides an opportunity for you to delve deeper into your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences and gain a better understanding of your own personal lens. By being reflexive, you will better understand how social and cultural norms, assumptions, biases, environment, and background shape your worldview.


Find an article published within the last 18 months that discusses issues related to one of the following topics:

Then in a 2–3 page paper, discuss the following:

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