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Quiz – Labor Negotiations and Collective Bargaining

Quiz – Labor Negotiations and Collective Bargaining

Aspects of the existing labor contract that are usually reviewed by management in preparation for labor negotiations

When preparing for labor negotiations, the employers or management must consider various factors. First, the objectives that result from the contract negotiations are important to the company. The contract’s goals should be aligned with the organization’s objectives. Second, the contract language that resulted in the current difficulties should also be reviewed. The current union demands should be reviewed to ensure that the associated costs can be handled. (Fossum, 2012)

Essential data is needed by management when preparing for labor negotiations.

The data that management requires during preparation includes text and history of a specific clause. This information is found in a bargaining book, which helps negotiators identify clauses that can have detrimental effects. The legal information that could influence the final decision need to be reviewed. In addition, the cost of the new clause inclusions or removal is critical for the bargaining process.

Basic rules that govern the collective bargaining process.

The first rule requires employers’ initiation of bargaining for a contract that is about to expire. The expected expiration creates room for renewed bargaining. The second rule requires the initial demands to be large. This allows the parties room for negotiation. The third rule requires the initial demands as well as counterproposals to drive the agenda. The fourth rule requires the provision of notice if there is a likelihood of a strike. The fifth rule terminates the negotiation once the parties agree on a certain conclusion. Finally, all parties must negotiate in good faith.

 The four behavioral components of collective bargaining.

Distributive bargaining involves a disagreement between parties whereby a settlement results in a win for one and a loss for the other. Integrative bargaining occurs when both parties have a similar problem, which motivates them to work together. Attitudinal structuring involves the utilization of various activities to heighten honesty, trust, respect, or cooperation. Intra-organizational bargaining involves the achievement of an agreement within a bargaining group.

The union demands in response to companies’ requests for concessions in the 1980s? Which union demands were successful, and which were not?

The unions’ demands included gainsharing, increased job security, and limited subcontracting. The most successful demands were gainsharing and increased job security. Limited subcontracting was least successful (Fossum, 2012).

Collective bargaining impasse, and how does it occur?

An impasse is witnessed when involved parties cannot reach an agreement. It occurs because the union may demand more than the employer is willing to give. If one of the parties is incapable of communicating sufficiently about the settlement options, an impasse could result (SHRM, 2021).

How mediation facilitates a labor contract negotiations settlement

Mediation can help resolve an impasse that occurs due to poor communication. The neutral party enables the negotiating parties to reach a certain agreement. Mediation is mostly adopted when an impasse occurs. Through mediation, both parties are informed about options they may have missed (NLRB, 2020).

 The four different types of union worker strikes.

An economic strike occurs after the expiration of a contract. Its objective is to compel the employer to agree to the union’s demands. If an employer violates labor laws, an unfair labor practice strike occurs. A wildcat strike occurs during the contract and is unauthorized. It may lead to disciplinary action if the contract contains a no-strike clause. A sympathy strike occurs in support of another union’s strike (Bivens, Engdahl, & Gould, 2017).

Purposes of union picket lines.

Picket lines seek to strengthen the unity of a union. The lines are meant to influence clients and other businesses in a manner that reduces their transactions with the picketed entity. If some employees or union members do not favor the strike, picket lines are created to discourage a return to work.

The slowdown strategy and why it is difficult to take action against employees protesting using this strategy.

A slowdown is a strategy that unions use to pressure employers. Employees fail to perform their roles as expected and do not work overtime. However, they still work within the company’s rules. This compliance makes it difficult for employers to take any disciplinary action (Fossum, 2012).

The different employer responses to a union worker strike.


Bivens, J., Engdahl, L., & Gould, E. (2017). How today’s unions help working people. Economic Policy Institute.

Fossum, J. A. (2012). Labor Relations. McGraw-Hill.

NLRB. (2020). Employer/Union Rights and Obligations. Retrieved from National Labor Relations Board:

SHRM. (2021). What is a collective bargaining agreement? Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


This quiz contains 11 short answer questions on topics from Chapters 11 and 12 of your text. Your answers should be 1-3 paragraphs long and will be worth a total of 100 points.

Labor Negotiations and Collective Bargaining

Labor Negotiations and Collective Bargaining

In order to avoid timing out when you take the quiz, prepare answers to the following essay questions in a document ahead of time.
What aspects of the existing labor contract are usually reviewed by management in preparation for labor negotiations?
Identify the important data needed by management when preparing for labor negotiations.
Briefly explain the basic rules governing the collective bargaining process.
Identify and explain the four behavioral components of collective bargaining.
What were the union demands in response to companies’ requests for concessions in the 1980s? Which union demands were successful, and which were not?
What is a collective bargaining impasse, and how does it occur?
List how mediation can facilitate a settlement in labor contract negotiations.
Explain the four different types of union worker strikes.
Explain the purposes of union picket lines.
What is a slowdown? Why is it difficult to take action against employees protesting in this manner?
List the different employer responses to a union worker strike.

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