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Quantitative Health Data

Quantitative Health Data

Part 1

What is my daily Systolic/ Diastolic blood pressure?

Variable: Blood pressure (Systolic pressure/ Diastolic pressure)

Units of measurement: mmHg

Method: The blood pressure will be measured using a blood pressure monitor, and the readings will be recorded in a notebook.

Part 2

Data was collected in the sampling period.

Day Time Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg) Pulse
1. 8:50:00 AM 131 77 66
2. 9:06:00 AM 124 70 67
3. 9:48:00 AM 132 73 65
4. 8:40:00 AM 133 78 73
5. 10:00:00 AM 123 79 73
6. 9:05:00 AM 134 77 67
7. 11:15:00 AM 129 79 71

Part 3

The data collected is a representation of the blood pressure changes that take place daily. The blood pressure readings were collected at or around the same time every day for five days. Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers. The first number represents the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart ejects blood (systole), and the second number represents the pressure when the heart muscle relaxes (diastole). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2020), hypertension is diagnosed when measurements done on two different days show a reading of 140/90mmHg or more.

Blood pressure readings are important in assessing the individual and population’s risk of morbidity and mortality. High blood pressure (hypertension) is the most important risk factor for morbidity and mortality. Research has established hypertension as the highest modifiable risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Half of all strokes can be attributed to hypertension. However, hypertensive patients and the general public do not consider hypertension a serious health problem. Only a third of the population recognizes that hypertension could be asymptomatic. Hypertension is highly prevalent in the general population. This can be partly attributed to global increases in obesity. The diagnosis of hypertension, by measurement, is the first step in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Little is known whether the public understands the role of blood pressure in contributing to heart disease and stroke. Hypertension is, therefore, often referred to as the “silent killer.” Most people with hypertension are usually unaware of their condition. Hypertensive patients usually demonstrate a poor understanding of BP. Only about 1 in 4 adults have their condition under control. Knowledge about BP is associated with better control of hypertension at an individual level. Patient understanding is key in initiating behavioral and lifestyle changes to reduce BP.

According to the CDC (2019), 494,873 deaths in 2018 resulted from high blood pressure as the primary cause. The prevalence of hypertension varies with age. The systolic BP constantly increases with age from childhood to the eighth decade. A greater percentage of men have high blood pressure compared to women.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hypertension Cascade: Hypertension Prevalence, Treatment and Control Estimates Among US Adults Aged 18 Years and Older Applying the Criteria from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association’s 2017 Hypertension Guideline—NHANES 2013–2016. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2019.

World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Hypertension. Retrieved October 04, 2020, from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Module 1 – SLP


Your specific assignment for this week is to select one type of quantitative health datum to collect from your own life. Some examples of data to collect could be:

Quantitative Health Data

Quantitative Health Data

Your Task:

  1. Choose one variable that varies measurably from day to day. Be sure to specify the units of measurement, and state how it will be gathered.
  2. Then collect at least 5 days worth of data on that one variable. For example, if your variable is how many minutes you spend exercising each day, simply record the number of minutes that you spend exercising each day during the sampling period. Be sure to save this data for use in remaining SLP assignments. The more data points that you gather during the session, the better.
  3. Describe the data you have collected and its importance in relations to individual/population’s health.

Submit your (1-2 pages) paper by the end of this module.

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