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Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

In health care, it is essential for healthcare providers to provide high-quality care. Quality measurement tools will help these healthcare organizations see what they need to improve to meet the needs of the patients. These different quality improvement tools do different things, but they all have one goal and that is to provide high-quality care. A healthcare provider’s role within a healthcare organization affects quality improvement and measurement tools tremendously.

Quality Measurement Tools Cause-and-Effect Diagram

In the healthcare industry, quality measurement tools play a significant role. There are several different quality measurement tools that could be utilized to measure quality in an organization. One of the best tools to measure quality is the cause-and-effect diagram, also called the fishbone diagram. It is one of the most widely used tools to measure quality in health care. It is one of the best tools to identify causes of variation documented by using a flowchart. This tool is used to display the possible causes of an outcome. It is essential to determine the type of variation in order to develop the cause and effect diagram. It shows the relationship of the causes to the effect and it will help identify what needs to be improved (Shanks, 2019). Having in-depth detail can help identify a specific plan to improve the quality. This diagram could be used to measure quality in an organization by identifying what needs to be improved in order to deliver high-quality care. This quality measurement tool is best utilized for team situations. It will help with conversations on organizing large amounts of information, and it is easy and efficient to sort the information within a group.

Quality Measurement Tools Run Charts

Another tool that is used to measure the quality of health care is run charts. It is a control behavior chart that identifies common and special causes of variation, resulting in valuable data about process predictability within limits (Johnson & Sollecito, 2020). It allows healthcare providers to gain knowledge about process performance. It is a simple process that provides a foundation for more complex methods of analysis. Run charts are a beneficial tool utilized in health care to provide awareness about performance with very little mathematical involvement. This chart demonstrates data to make the process performance portrayed. It conveys the changes that are being tested in order to result in quality improvement in healthcare organizations.

Quality Measurement Tools Patient Experience Surveys

Patient experience surveys are another tool that can be used to measure the quality of a healthcare organization. These surveys are utilized in several healthcare organizations. Patient experience surveys are a great way to gather information on how patients feel they are being treated when receiving care. These surveys are given to the patient after they have received care from any healthcare provider to see what they felt they did well and what they can work on (Tinker, 2020). These surveys allow the health care providers to have insight into how the patients perceive how the staff is operating and how they are following different protocols and procedures. Surveys allow healthcare facilities to see what the patients experience firsthand. The only downfall of this tool is that the data is typically in one direction or the other (NEJM, 2018). Generally, these survey results are extremely unsatisfactory or an exceptional experience. These unsatisfied patients will provide very detailed feedback, and they will speak their minds on everything they did not like. This allows healthcare providers to take this feedback and try to implement corrections to better patient care and their experience.

Administrative Health Care Professional

These quality improvement tools can be utilized to measure quality from an administrative healthcare professional side. The cause-and-effect diagram can assist administrative healthcare professionals be focused on a specific issue that needs to be addressed (CMS, 2016). Utilizing this method will assist in brainstorming new ideas to help address specific problems and result in implementing an effective solution to provide high-quality care. The run chart can be used by an administrative health care professional to get insight into process performance and make adjustments that are needed to better the quality of care. Patient experience surveys will be utilized by administrative health care professionals by getting patient more timely appointments and providing them with easier access to information (AHRQ, 2016). These tools will help administrative healthcare professionals improve the quality of care provided.

Physician Assistant Health Care Professional

These quality improvement tools can be utilized to measure quality from a physician assistant health care professional aspect. The cause and effect diagram can assist mid-level staff in outlining the cause and effect on a patient to determine the best course of treatment or action. This tool can help find the root of the error and brainstorm ways to prevent errors from happening (Varkey, 2010). The run chart can be used by physician assistants in health care to provide awareness about performance so they can observe how they can treat patients in a more effective and efficient way. Patient experience surveys can be used by physician assistants to see how patients perceive the care they are receiving and how they can better it to increase the quality of care provided.

Physician Health Care Professional

These quality improvement tools can be utilized to measure quality from a physician health care professional standpoint. The cause and effect diagram can help physicians facilitate the needs of the patients and as well the staff under them. Physicians deal with the administrative side as well as the patient care side, and this diagram will help them separate it and provide the best care possible. The run chart can be used to track the performance of care that they are providing and implement the changes needed. Patient experience surveys can help physicians in critiquing what needs to be changed to fit the needs of the consumer while providing high-quality health care.


In conclusion, quality improvement and measurement tools will be utilized by organizations in order to provide efficient and effective care to patients. These tools will help healthcare professionals find new ways to continue increasing the quality of care. The cause and effect diagram, run chart, and patient experience surveys will help the health care providers improve the quality of care improve the health care system overall.


AHQR. (2016). Patient Experience Defined. Retrieved from cahps/patient-experience/index.html

CMS. (2016). How to Use the Fishbone Tool for Root Cause Analysis. Retrieved from certification/qapi/downloads/fishbonerevised.pdf

Johnson, J. & Sollecito, W. (2020). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284126594.

NEJM Catalyst. (2018). Patient satisfaction surveys. Retrieved from

Shanks, A. (2019). Cause-and-Effect Diagram. Retrieved from

Tinker, A. (2020). The Top 7 Healthcare Outcomes Measures. Retrieved from

Varkey, P. (2010). Medical quality management: Theory and practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.


We’ll write everything from scratch


As you finish this capstone in your degree program, think about where you want to be as a healthcare professional in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Lifelong learning will be essential to your professional growth and meeting your career goals.

Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

Research the professional organizations, certifications, and continuing education that you think will help you in your career path. Consider organizations outside the healthcare industry if they match your career goals. For instance, if one of your career goals is to become a project manager in a healthcare organization, an organization whose focus is project management is a good match for your professional interests.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Which professional organizations, certifications, and continuing education do you think are a match for your career goals in health care?

What opportunities for continuing education and professional development did you find?

How does membership in the professional organizations you researched benefit your career path?

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