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Qualitative Data Analysis- CQA process

Qualitative Data Analysis- CQA process

The qualitative research approach will be used in the current research. Data will be organized using the CQA process. The CQA process focuses on analyzing, identifying, and reporting patterns in qualitative data (Richards & Hemphill, 2018). The process has been selected because it is appropriate for thematic analysis, which is the main data analysis strategy that will be used in the research. Thematic analysis will include identifying themes that describe the main data patterns through a deductive approach, using a conceptual or theoretical framework as a guiding structure. The CQA process includes various steps that will be followed in the current research. The first step is selecting the appropriate theoretical framework and a timeline for data analysis. A Gantt chart will be used to select an appropriate timeline for the data analysis process to create enough time for data interpretation. The second step is axial coding. Axial coding will be used to identify patterns in the data and draw connections between the patterns. The NVivo coding software will be used for coding. The software has been selected because it can quickly organize and import files of different formats, including visual, audio, and text files and social media posts. NVivo can also convert audio files into text, thus making it appropriate for the current study because data will be collected through interviews. In addition, NVivo can also help researchers save time because of its ability to organize and import data files from different sources (Clarke et al., 2021). I will also use NVivo to develop visual models and concept maps that will be used to describe and explore connections among categories.

After coding data, I will proceed to the third step, which is developing the main codebook. This step will include formalizing the themes that will be used in the research to create a codebook. The themes will be listed and categorized based on the research questions to ensure that every research question is addressed in detail. The third step will include pilot testing the selected codebook. This step will include pilot testing the themes selected when creating the codebook against uncoded data from other sources. I will independently code transcripts and make changes regularly to ensure that each theme is covered adequately. The fifth step will include the final coding process. I will use the adjusted codebook to analyze patterns in the data and present a detailed thematic analysis addressing the research questions. The final step will include reviewing the codebook and finalizing themes. This step will include developing a thematic structure to describe the main findings of the study. The appropriateness of the findings will be determined by comparing the coded data against the research questions.

The thematic development process will be completed during the coding process to ensure that all major themes relating to the study are covered to address the research questions. The first step in thematic development will be familiarization with the data collected from the research participants. This step will include a detailed analysis of the data collected from the participants to identify similarities and differences in their responses and transcribe the data in preparation for analysis. The transcribed data will then be coded using the phrases in the responses provided by the research participants. The third step will include generating themes from the transcribed data using the codes created in the coding process. The themes will then be reviewed to ensure that they are useful and accurately represent the data collected from the research participants. The themes will be named and defined based on the research question that each theme represents.

The research will also use triangulation in data analysis to ensure that the information presented to the audience is valid. According to Carter et al. (2014), triangulation is used to test validity by converging information from multiple sources. The two types of triangulation that will be used in the current study include theory and data triangulation. Data triangulation includes using various data sources to address each research question. The main data sources that will be used in the current research will be primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources will be the interviews conducted with the research participants. Secondary data sources will include peer-reviewed journals, case studies, and dissertations. The data from the secondary sources will be compared with the findings from the primary sources to confirm the validity of the information. Theory triangulation, on the other hand, includes applying various theoretical frameworks to address research questions. The researcher will use the study hypotheses to develop different theories linked to the research questions to develop various approaches to the research questions.

The research will also focus on establishing trustworthiness to increase the reliability of the research findings. Establishing trustworthiness requires creating transferability, credibility, authenticity, conformability, and dependability (Connelly, 2016). Transferability includes the extent to which research findings can be applied in other studies and contexts (Szabla et al., 2023). Credibility includes the truth value of the findings of the research study based on the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the researcher. Authenticity refers to the credibility and genuineness of the information provided by the researcher. Confirmability includes the extent to which the findings of research could be collaborated or confirmed by others. Researchers enhance conformability by guaranteeing that their findings are dependable. Accordingly, dependability includes the extent to which a study could be repeated by another researcher and reveal the same results. Enhancing the trustworthiness of a research study is vital because it increases the validity and reliability of the research. For instance, other researchers focus on whether the findings of a study are trustworthy when deciding whether to use the study as a source of secondary data in their research.

The current study focuses on helping other researchers in the hospitality industry understand the causes of turnover and enabling managers to determine how they can prevent turnover. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the research findings can be trusted. The researcher will create dependability by maintaining an audit trail of the peer debrief with the people involved in the research. The researcher will also maintain notes of all activities involved in the research and the decisions relating to the research, such as the selection of research participants and the timeframe of each interview. The researcher will also maintain detailed notes of every decision made during the research and the data analysis process to create a record that can be used by a third party to confirm whether the research was conducted as proposed to enhance confirmability. The researcher will guarantee transferability by focusing on each research participant and their story individually and providing a detailed description of the research participants, the context of the study, and the location of the study. The researcher will also maintain trustworthiness and transparency in the data analysis process and use the individual experiences of the research participants to enhance authenticity. For instance, the researcher will provide a clear description of the experiences of research participants based on the narrative provided by the research participants by using direct quotes from the transcribed interviews.


Carter, N., Bryant-Lukosius, D., DiCenso, A., Blythe, J., & Neville, A. J. (2014). The use of triangulation in qualitative research. Oncology Nursing Forum, 41(5), 545-547.

Clarke, S. O., Coates, W. C., & Jordan, J. (2021). A practical guide for conducting qualitative research in medical education: Part 3—Using software for qualitative analysis. AEM Education and Training, 5(4).

Connelly, L. (2016). Trustworthiness in qualitative research. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6).

Richards, K. A., & Hemphill, M. A. (2018). A practical guide to collaborative qualitative data analysis. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 37(2), 225-231.

Szabla, D. B., Coghlan, D., Passmore, W., & Kim, J. (2023). Handbook of research methods in organizational change. Edward Elgar Publishing


We’ll write everything from scratch


Once you have determined the best framework to apply, be sure to consider the type of data collected to create procedures for a comprehensive analysis. Begin your paper by clearly defining your approach.

Qualitative Data Analysis- CQA process

Qualitative Data Analysis- CQA process

Rationalize the processes for organizing data

utilizing software (identify the application)

developing coding for your data (how and why)

thematic development


establishing trustworthiness

As with all other assignments, your approach must be systematic, logical, fully explained, and supported by scholarly sources. Use the resources provided and at least three other peer-reviewed articles to defend your research plan.

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