Public Administration
It is crucial to understand that when public administration comes to mind, its significance in a given country should never be ignored or underestimated. In this case, its relevance stretches from delivering mail, having licenses on motor vehicles, collecting trash, dispatching the Peace Corps personnel globally, helping citizens to recover from hurricanes and other natural disasters, as well as tracking storms that are entirely dangerous through satellites (Holzer & Schwester, 2015). Public administration is present to put an implementation of the law. Authority flows from the citizens to those elected to provide governance in America. When a law is passed and signed by the executive, it is passed down to the legislatures, who then delegate it to the administrators. It is they who are tasked with executing these laws efficaciously.
Undoubtedly, it is clear that many people look down on the government. Yet, the basic things that make life bearable, such as providing health, food, transport, and even electricity, are from the same government (Kettl, 2016). The essence of giving this elevator speech is primarily because people often complain so much about the government and either intentionally or unintentionally ignore its role through public administration in society (Cooper et al., 2008). Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us.
Cooper, C. A., Knotts, H. G., & Brennan, K. M. (2008). The importance of trust in government for public administration: The case of zoning. Public Administration Review, 68(3), 459-468.
Holzer, M., & Schwester, R. W. (2015). Public administration: An introduction. Routledge.
Kettl, D. F. (2016). Politics of the administrative process. Cq Press.
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Public Administration
Prepare a 30-second elevator speech on the merits of public administration. Post what you would say and explain why you would make the points you do. What would be your goal of giving such an elevator speech?