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Public Administration and Non-profits

Public Administration and Non-profits

An Example of Cooperation Within Public Administration

There is multiple cooperation between public administrations in the form of differing governments working together for common benefit(s). Mostly, this cooperation between the nations or public administration happens in areas of military, economic issues, territorial issues, and general social welfare (Long, 2018). Among them is the United Nations, which has seen the cooperation of the USA, Canada, and Mexico in the new North American Free Trade Agreement.

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Why is the Cooperation Necessary or Important?

Cooperation through the UN is necessary, essential, and important because it results in the formation of trade agreements. In this case, all countries stand to benefit from a reduction of tariffs and export duties while trading (Stillman, 2020). There was a rise in economic conflict between these states, especially in the Trump administration, which ended due to the cooperation. Also, the major industries in these countries stand to gain a lot, including the auto industry, labour, environment, and technology.

How Would Public Administration Be Affected Without This Type of Cooperation?

The cooperating countries have previously withdrawn from the NAFTA agreement, which worsened the region’s relations, trade, and economic performance. There is a reduced threat of tariff increase, hence the essentiality of the cooperation (Jurčík, 2019). Therefore, the willingness to indulge in free trade in the region is in jeopardy of the cooperation being severed.


Jurčík, R. (2019). Permissible public cooperation in the field of public administration-opportunity for enterprises. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis62(6), 1309-1314.

Long, H. (2018). Analysis | The U.S., Canada and Mexico just reached a sweeping new NAFTA deal. Here’s what’s in it.

Stillman, I. I. (2020). Public administration: Concepts and cases [Adobe Digital Edition] (9th ed.). doi:1009-0001-22A7-000022A4


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Public Administration and Non-profits

Public Administration and Non-profits

Find or propose an example of cooperation within public administration. Why is the cooperation in your example necessary? How would public administration be affected without this type of cooperation?

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