Proteins – Refined and Wholefoods
Nutrients are categorized into two categories: micronutrients and macronutrients. Macronutrients are the nutrients required in large quantities to provide energy in a body, while micronutrients are not needed in large amounts, such as vitamins and minerals. They include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Each nutrient is essential to the body; subsequently, the focus is on proteins for this discussion. Proteins are composed of amino acids consumed in food, and the daily intake of proteins is 100g daily. After digestion, the absorbed amino acid is used to synthesize body proteins. The consumption of proteins influences the body in various ways. Subsequently, proteins can be consumed as whole foods, such as peas and refined foods; either type affects the body in various ways. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task. Get in touch with us at
The consumption of proteins as whole foods has various effects. Wholefood proteins include peas, eggs, and etcetera. The consumption of whole food helps in muscle protein remodeling recovery after exercising, improves the quality of a diet, and is affordable compared to processed proteins (van Vliet et al., 2018). Accordingly, the first benefit of whole protein foods is their affordability since whole foods are more affordable. Secondly, whole foods improve the quality of diets since their nutritional composition is higher than processed foods. Thirdly, whole foods, such as bodybuilding foods, contribute to muscle protein remodeling after exercising. Also, it promotes recovery after exercising. However, there are risks associated with whole foods consumption; health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, are resulting from inflammation (Masters et al., 2010).
Refined proteins also have various effects on the body. Refined proteins include whey, and they have benefits such as helping in weight loss, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure in hypersensitive people, and improving insulin release in the body (Kim, Keogh, and Clifton, 2016). Refined proteins aid in weight loss due to their low-fat content and their ability to promote muscle preservation. They aid in lowering cholesterol levels due to their nutrient composition. Also, they aid in lowering blood pressure in hypersensitive people due to their composition, which is low in fat and contributes to lowering cholesterol. Subsequently, there are risks of refined protein consumption, the risk for stomach pains, pro-inflammatory effects, elevated insulin release, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases (Masters et al., 2010).
The Dietary Guidelines of 2015 help people lead healthy lives. Macronutrient consumption varies; for proteins, children between 1-3 years’ uptake should be between 5-20%. Also, for children and Adolescents between 4–18 years, uptake should be 10–30%, while for adults above 19 years, uptake should be between 10–35% (2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines |, 2015). Accordingly, the patient should consume between 10 and 35% of refined proteins since the job doesn’t require much energy. Subsequently, the patient can decide to switch between whole foods and processed foods to balance the risks possessed to her. in conclusion, both categories of proteins pose risks to the patient, but refined proteins suit the patient more.
References 2015. 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines | [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 June 2021].
Kim, Y., Keogh, J. and Clifton, P., 2016. Differential Effects of Red Meat/Refined Grain Diet and Dairy/Chicken/Nuts/Whole Grain Diet on Glucose, Insulin, and Triglyceride in a Randomized Crossover Study. Nutrients, 8(11), p.687.
Masters, R., Liese, A., Haffner, S., Wagenknecht, L. and Hanley, A., 2010. Whole and Refined Grain Intakes Are Related to Inflammatory Protein Concentrations in Human Plasma. The Journal of Nutrition, 140(3), pp.587-594.
Van Vliet, S., Beals, J., Martinez, I., Skinner, S. and Burd, N., 2018. Achieving Optimal Post-Exercise Muscle Protein Remodeling in Physically Active Adults through Whole Food Consumption. Nutrients, 10(2), p.224.
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Proteins – Refined and Wholefoods
Essay assignment (400 words minimum) on one macronutrient from two perspectives: one from a naturally occurring harvest, the other from a refining and manufacturing process.

Nutrition-Proteins-Refined and Wholefoods
The learning objectives for this chapter include emphasis on whole foods versus refined and processed foods. Throughout the book, this is a common theme that encompasses many modern issues and decisions in nutritional choices. This assignment requires students to present two views on one macronutrient of choice, in the following scenario:
- The patient is a relatively inactive 26-year old woman who lives alone in a highly urban city in an apartment. She works from home as a software engineer for 7-8 hours every day. She exercises 1-2 times a week at the local gym for 30-40 minutes each time. She typically runs on the treadmill, but does not do muscle training or any other form of exercise. The patient is inquiring about the benefits, risks, and costs of buying refined foods from the store versus whole foods from the farmer’s market. The store is 5 minutes’ walk away from the apartment, while the farmer’s market is around 7 miles from the city. The patient is seeking to purchase one food from each category of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.
As such, one view is from the perspective of a naturally occurring harvest, and the other is from a processing and refining perspective.
Students should be able to answer the following three questions for one macronutrient:
- Whole Foods Perspective: what four benefits and four risks of this macronutrient in its whole, non-processed form?
- Refined Foods Perspective: what are four benefits and four risks of this macronutrient in its processed and refined form?
- Dietary Guidelines: according to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, as well as the scenario, how much of this macronutrient should this patient consume?
- Health Options: what other lifestyle options can this patient pursue to maintain a healthy weight and wellbeing?
Students should also provide an organized list of APA-formatted citations and sources.
Student Resources/Recommended Readings
- Distance Learning Systems 2020 Nutrition eBook, Chapter 2
- Basic infographic templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint
- National Agricultural Library: Macronutrients
- Innerbody Research: Macronutrients