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Proposed Quality Improvement Project- Lewins Change Theory

Proposed Quality Improvement Project- Lewins Change Theory

It is crucial to adopt successful change strategies to improve healthcare quality. Lewin’s Change Theory is a convincing strategy for directing organizational transitions through the profusion of change management ideas. The main ideas and tenets of Lewin’s Change Theory are outlined in this essay. It then applies this theory to a quality improvement effort intended to stop pressure wounds from developing due to extended stays in the emergency room. This paper thoroughly explains how Lewin’s theory might support successful change initiatives in healthcare settings by examining the various stages of implementation through its lens.

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Main Theoretical Notions and Concepts of Lewin’s Change Theory

Kurt Lewin, a psychologist, created Lewin’s Change Theory, a widely used and accepted framework for understanding and controlling organizational and personal change processes. The three-stage Unfreeze, Change, and Refreeze model of change is frequently used to illustrate the theory. Individuals prepare for the impending changes in the “Unfreeze” stage by acknowledging the need for change and overcoming resistance (Repovš et al., 2019). This stage identifies the current behaviours, attitudes, and structures that need to be modified. Implementing real change by introducing new behaviours, procedures, or systems falls under the “Change” stage. The “Refreeze” step, which comes last, tries to change the new norm by establishing a stable state, encouraging new behaviours, and changing rules and procedures.

Lewin’s Change Theory can be used to help execute the multilayered silicone foam intervention in the context of the proposed quality improvement project to address pressure wounds brought on by extended stays in the emergency department. In the “Unfreeze” step, healthcare workers would be made aware of the problem of pressure wounds, stressed the harmful effects, and given a sense of urgency to prevent them. Multilayered silicone foam would be introduced and implemented during the “Change” stage, with the requisite personnel training and benefit communications. The emphasis would be establishing the new technique, regularly assessing its efficacy, and incorporating it into the emergency department’s routine care procedures during the “Refreeze” stage.

Stages of Implementation Based on Lewin’s Theory

Unfreeze Stage

The Unfreeze stage emphasizes educating and preparing emergency department medical staff for the impending transformation (Muir et al., 2021). This entails highlighting the problem of pressure wounds acquired through extended stays and their detrimental effects on patients and the healthcare system. The importance of solving this issue is clarified by exchanging information, practical examples, and case studies. It’s critical to deal with any opposition that the change may cause.

Change Stage

The multi-layered silicone foam intervention is put into practice during the Change stage. This entails explaining the new technique for preventing pressure sores and ensuring that medical practitioners know its advantages and how to use it properly. Thorough training sessions are held to educate the staff on the intervention’s proper placement, monitoring, and upkeep. It is crucial to communicate the intervention’s significance and how it fits with patient care objectives.

Refreeze Stage

The new intervention’s establishment as a standard practice and integration into the emergency department’s regular care procedures are the main goals of the Refreeze stage. Data and input from patients and healthcare professionals are used to continuously monitor and assess the intervention’s effectiveness (Phi et al., 2023). This continuing evaluation confirms that the intervention produces the desired results and permits necessary changes. Updates are made to the documentation, protocols, and procedures to reflect the new intervention, including it in the department’s SOPs.


Lewin’s Change Theory provides a strong foundation for managing change initiatives in healthcare settings. Healthcare organizations may manage the difficulties of deploying innovative therapies like the multilayered silicone foam to avoid pressure wounds by embracing the principles of Unfreeze, Change, and Refreeze. This theory’s emphasis on raising awareness, involving stakeholders, and reinforcing the change ensures a durable transformation that is in line with improved patient outcomes and higher quality of care. Healthcare practitioners can successfully navigate the complex change process in dynamic healthcare contexts with the help of Lewin’s Change Theory.


Muir, K. J., Keim-Malpass, J., & LeBaron, V. T. (2021). Examining the cultural impacts of an emergency department move using ethnography. International Emergency Nursing, 59, 101082.

Phi, N. T. T., Oikonomidi, T., Ravaud, P., & Tran, V.-T. (2023). Assessment of US Food and Drug Administration–Approved Digital Medical Devices for Just-in-Time Interventions: A Systematic Review. JAMA Internal Medicine, 183(8), 858–869.

Repovš, E., Drnovšek, M., & Kaše, R. (2019). Change Ready, Resistant, or Both? Exploring the Concepts of Individual Change Readiness and Resistance to Organizational Change. Economic and Business Review, 21(2).


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This week, you will select Lewin’s change theory or the PDCA that would work best for your proposed quality improvement project.

Proposed Quality Improvement Project- Lewins Change Theory

In a one- to two-page paper, you will need to summarize the main theoretical notions and concepts of the selected theory. You will then need to discuss in detail the various stages of implementation of the proposed project based on the selected theory.

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