Proposed Qualitative Study – Exploring the Factors Contributing to Poor Access to Mental Healthcare Among Ethnic Minority Groups
The purpose of this proposed qualitative study is to explore the factors contributing to poor access to mental healthcare among ethnic minority groups. I am confident that the postulated problem statement aligns perfectly with the statement problem. To begin with, the problem statement in the proposed research is poor access to mental healthcare services, as well as mental healthcare resources, among ethnic minority groups. The purpose statement highlights research efforts targeting to address the identified problem.
Several elements are carried from the problem statement to the purpose statement. Firstly, the purpose statement extrapolates the population specificity by narrowing down the study into ethnic minority groups. Dodgson, (2020) affirms the significance of targeted research and details the need for research studies to maintain specificity when addressing the identified problem. In this case, the problem is poor accessibility of mental healthcare resources and utilizes an ethnic minority community as the research participant.
Another element drawn from the problem statement is the population health problem addressed by the research study. From the problem statement, poor access to mental healthcare is identified as a health concern that undermines population health. The research seeks to address this problem by identifying factors that interplay in the development of the problem. This not only highlights the relevance of the study but also affirms its specificity in addressing the identified population health problem. Barroga & Matanguihan (2022) highlight the need for a research study to maintain relevance in answering the research question, as well as contribute to real-life healthcare efforts towards quality and safety improvements. The research, once complete, is expected to draw findings and conclusions that can be used to address poor access to mental healthcare.
Barroga, E., & Matanguihan, G. J. (2022). A practical guide to writing quantitative and qualitative research questions and hypotheses in scholarly articles. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 37(16).
Dodgson, J. E. (2020). Quality in research: Asking the right question. Journal of Human Lactation, 36(1), 105–108.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Read this week’s overview on research alignment.
** Included here ~ Research alignment is the logical progression of ideas between each element of your dissertation. As you have learned, all dissertations start with a problem, which is the first element. State one problem and be clear. After reading the problem statement, a logical question is, “So what will I do about it?” Your answer becomes your study’s purpose, which is the second element.

Proposed Qualitative Study – Exploring the Factors Contributing to Poor Access to Mental Healthcare Among Ethnic Minority Groups
Be clear: The purpose of the study is to ______. Once you identify your purpose, you will create research questions and decide on the method you will use to collect and analyze data to achieve the study’s purpose, which are the third and fourth elements you will study in future course weeks. Here is an example of an aligned problem and purpose statement.
Problem: The problem is that United States hospitals are experiencing high nurse turnover, resulting in substandard quality of patient care (Smith, 2018).
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to understand why nurses are leaving the profession and what hospital leaders can do to retain them.
Notice how the purpose logically flows or aligns with the problem, indicating what you propose to do to address the problem.
Write a 250- to 300-word reflective statement in which you describe and evaluate what you learned about research alignment with responses to the following:
How confident are you that your purpose statement aligns with your problem statement?
Reflecting on the weekly overview, what are the specific elements from your problem statement that are carried over to your purpose statement?