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Proposal- Fitness Center Plan

Proposal- Fitness Center Plan

Proposed Facility

I propose to construct a low-cost fitness centre that targets the local population. The facility will help improve the local population’s physical and mental health. The decision to construct a Fitness Centre is based on people’s expression of the need for an affordable facility. Even though locals have expressed the willingness to engage in physical activity and fitness programs, they encounter unusually high prices, discouraging them from enrolling. The facility will solve this problem by introducing discounts and flexible pricing programs for low-end clients.

Required Space

The fitness center is estimated to require about 3,000 square feet of land. This is equivalent to a rectangle of 60’ by 50’ or about two-thirds the size of a basketball court. This land will be sufficient to host the main training area, washrooms, and an administrative office/reception. Since this will be a low-cost facility, there is a need to minimize space taxes and leasing fees as much as possible. By keeping taxes low, the overall operational costs will remain low and enable the facility to charge clients relatively lower fee charges.

Community Support

The new facility expects to enjoy massive community support in order to operate successfully. To show the importance of community support for a facility, take the example of an event such as a wedding organized in a local community. There is a need to consult a photographer, local chefs, sound system contractors, and other relevant partners. To that end, before deciding on what facilities and decisions to make, a planner must consult relevant constituents and collect views on the demand for the services or products that are about to be introduced (Fried & Kastel, 2021). The decision to construct a fitness facility was based on the demand for a physical exercise center to improve the locals’ mental and physical health. Therefore, it is highly expected that the community will support the project.

Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study

Before setting up the fitness facility, a feasibility and assessment study must be undertaken to decide whether the local population actually requires a fitness facility. One of the considerations in the feasibility study is the per-capita income (McLaughlin et al., 2021). The local population needs to have enough income to spare some disposable income for health-related fitness activities. Having enough per capita income also means that people have enough to consider gym expenses as part of overall health costs. Another potential feasibility assessment result is the level of health awareness among the target audience (McLaughlin et al., 2021). A fitness and exercise franchise is assured of success in an area where the local population will demand such services sustainably.


Site location is the most critical factor to consider when deciding where to locate a sports facility. Even if the site is of high quality, it will not succeed if the local population does not know how to use the site, where it is located, or refuses to travel to the site (Fried & Kastel, 2021). To avoid political drawbacks and conflicting egos, there is a need to locate the facility in places with limited conflicts, especially land issues. Also, there is a need to locate the facility on the outskirts of an urban center to save clients from having to pay huge parking fees (Fried & Kastel, 2021). Finally, it will be important to locate the facility near a water source to avoid high water charges if the facility is to be located at the epicenter of an urban center.

Environmental and Accessibility Considerations

As a facility manager, I will assess the environment to ensure that the facility is sustainable in the long run. To that end, there is a need to avoid locating the Fitness Center within a 20-mile radius of a competing facility. The center will have generated sufficient loyal customers even though new entrants will enter the market in the future. Another crucial consideration is locating the facility in an accessible area from the main road. That is because some of the clients who will frequent the facility are expected to be car owners.

SWOT Analysis


·         Affordable land

·         Supportive city administration

·         Convenient location

·         Local community support


·         Limited startup funds

·         Extensive capital investment


·         Many people are seeking to enroll in fitness facilities.

·         Doctors are recommending that people with lifestyle illnesses engage in physical activities.

·         Locals may need to use the facility.


·         Some employers are constructing fitness facilities at workplaces

·         Home workout equipment is becoming popular

 The Benefit of the Facility to the Community

From the outset, the fitness center will provide employment opportunities to the community (Robinson, 2010). Among others, some trainers, receptionist(s), cleaners, and marketing agents will be locally sourced, hence creating employment opportunities. The facility will also engage in community socially responsible activities in the future and benefit the most vulnerable locals. Finally, availing of a fitness center will improve locals’ mental and physical health in the long run.


Weight lifting


Kickboxing zone



Changing rooms

Water dispenser


The facility will begin operations after three months if everything goes according to the initial plan. The first assignment will be to prepare the venue and purchase equipment within the first month. The next phase is to source competent trainers and support staff. This phase is expected to take longer because the facility looks forward to hiring professional trainers. The third month will focus on marketing and registration of the initial members.

Types of Floors Needed

There are many factors to consider when setting up floors for a gym facility. One critical factor is that the floor types must be so strong that they can withstand wear and tear for a long time. The floors also need to be easily cleaned. There is also a need to think about aesthetics, such that people feel they are in a healthy environment. To that end, the center will partition its floors and use rubber flooring, vinyl flooring, sports turf, and foam flooring, depending on the main activity in the specific section.

Projected Costs

An initial $50,000 will be used as startup capital for the facility. The money will be raised through direct transfers from the municipality and through public debt. The public debt program will offer interested public investors an opportunity to invest and be repaid with interest within the first year after the center breaks even. Below is a highlight of the projected costs for the facility. The balance will be used for land and construction.

Salaries $1000
Supplies (Equipment) $500
Special floor $2100
Marketing $1500
Interior design $1000
License $2000
Total Startup Expenses $14,200


Fried, G., & Kastel, M. (2021). Managing sports facilities. Human Kinetics.

McLaughlin, P., Holland, M., Dodgson, S., & Khair, K. (2021). Project GYM: A randomized feasibility study investigating the effect on the motivation of personal trainer‐led exercise in young men with hemophilia. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 5(8).

Robinson, N. (2010). Why Buy Local? An Assessment of the Economic Advantages of Shopping at Locally Owned Businesses Capital Area Local First Principal Author.


We’ll write everything from scratch


You have been appointed to a planning committee in your city or town tasked with planning for a new facility. Using what you have learned about planning in this unit, create a proposal of your findings. You will need to address the following:
What type of facility are you proposing?

Proposal- Fitness Center Plan

How much area/space/land might you need? What size is needed?
Will you have community support?
What do you think a needs assessment and feasibility study might show?
Where would the facility be located?
What are the environmental, accessibility, community, or political factors?
Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.
What will the facility offer the community?
What features or amenities will be offered?
What is your timeline?
What types of flooring/grass/grounds are needed?
What are your projected costs?
You can also refer to Chapter 5 of your textbook, under the section, Planning for Future Facilities, for Typical Planning Questions for a New Sports Facility.
The proposal should be three pages in length, not counting the cover and reference pages. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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