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Project Management Plan – Launch of Neighborhood and Home Web and Email Service

Project Management Plan – Launch of Neighborhood and Home Web and Email Service

A Multiple Listing Service (MLS) refers to a database that is a collaboration of real estate brokers and is a source of information on properties that are up for sale (Li & Yavas, 2015). Brokers can see their counterparts’ listings through an MLS with the aim of bringing sellers and buyers together. With an MLS, the selling broker and the listing broker both benefit through information consolidation and sharing, as well as commission’ sharing

Coastal MLS (CMLS) is a regional MLS provider that is located in Montgomery, Alabama. It covers Montgomery’s service area and offers services to more than 60,000 brokers and real estate agents across 17 shareholder associations. CMLS is one of the largest providers of Multiple Listing Services in the world. The proposed project is the scheduling and launching of a neighborhood and home web and email service, a product by InnerIntel Ltd. The software will allow the company to stay in front of its clients and close in on leads. The project plan will constitute goals that are specific, measurable, Attractive, relevant, and time-based (Goodman, 2012).

The processes that will be involved in implementing the project include planning, execution, and control. Additional steps will include the commencement and closure of the project, which will be identified clearly.

The project manager will be the orchestrator of daily activities and will act as a supervisor of all project aspects from the commencement of the project to the last accountability (Rosenau & Githens, 2011). The project also involves a software vendor who also plays a principal role in the successful implementation of the project. Additionally, the marketing coordinator is responsible for creating materials and the communication needed for the project launch. Materials, in this case, range from flyers to digital campaigns. The trainers are tasked with creating a program to train the staff. Training will be done at the commencement of the project and also in sustaining the project (Rosenau & Githens, 2011). Lastly, according to Flyvbjerg (2014), the Quality Assurance Technician will be tasked with ensuring proper testing of the product prior to launching it. The support center manager will ensure that the product’s implementation and operations are appropriately handled.

Project Plan Outline (EIC- Executive in Charge)

Activity Team Leaders Duration in Hours
Level 1 Commence and Plan 15
Charter creation and assessment of stakeholders Project manager and EIC 4
Identification of requirements and documentation of the same Project manager, EIC, and software vendor 4
Work scope and opportunity and risk assessment 3
Level 2 Creation of a high-level plan Software vendor and project manager 2
Meeting to kick start the project Software vendor, trainer, EIC, QA tech, marketing coordinator and project manager 1
Level 3 Execution, control, and monitoring 52.75
Implementation in the staging environment Software vendor 9
Level 4 Creation of a QA plan Software vendor and QA tech 4
Conducting a QA QA tech 5
QA Results review from staging report QA tech, software vendor, and project manager 1 and 1/2
Level 5 Production environment implementation/QA Software vendor 7
Production environment QA conduction QA tech 4
Production Report review of QA results QA tech, software vendor, and project manager 1/2
Level 6 Creation of documentation for training Software vendor and trainers 5
Create documentation for the support center Software vendor, support center manager, and marketing coordinator 1and 1/2
Create materials and plan for marketing Software vendor and marketing coordinator 9
Creation of meetings for go/no-go Support center manager. QA tech, trainers, marketing coordinator, EIC, project managers and heads of departments 1 and 1/2
Level 7 Send ‘coming soon’ communication to association staff Marketing coordinator 1/4
Conduct training for staff Staff and trainers 4
Send ‘coming soon’ communication to customers Marketing coordinator 1/4
Send a pre-launch notice to the Association staff Marketing coordinator 1/4
Level 8 Day to launch


Level 9 Customers are exposed to product links Software vendor 1
Level 10 Conduct QA post-launch of the product QA tech 1
Send communication on day of launch Marketing coordinator 1
Level  11 Closing 1
Conduct meeting focusing on lessons learned Software vendor, trainers, EIC, QA tech, marketing coordinator, and project manager 1
Level 12 Bucket/Task of the project management Project manager 14

Gantt chart

MONTH Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level12
JAN. Commence and Plan
  Charter creation and assessment of stakeholder
  Identification of requirements and documentation of the same
  Work scope and opportunity and risk assessment
FEB. Creation of a high-level plan
  Meting to kick start the project
MARCH Execution, control, and monitoring
  Implementation in the staging environment
APRIL Creation of a QA plan
  Conducting a QA
  QA Results review from staging report
MAY Production environment implementation/QA
  Production environment QA conduction
  Production Report review of QA results
JUNE Creation of documentation for training
  Create documentation for the support center
  Create materials and plan for marketing
  Creation of meetings for go/no-go
JULY Send ‘coming soon’ communication to association staff
  Conduct training for staff
  Send ‘coming soon’ communication to customers
  Send a pre-launch notice to the Association staff
AUG. Day to launch


SEPT. Customers are exposed to product links
OCT. Conduct QA post-launch of the product
  Send communication on day of launch
NOV. Closing
  Conduct meeting focusing on lessons learned
DEC. Bucket/Task of the project management


Flyvbjerg, B. (2014). Megaproject planning and management: Essential readings (Vol. 2). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Goodman, L. J. (2012). Project planning and management: An integrated system for improving productivity. Springer Science & Business Media.

Li, L., & Yavas, A. (2015). The impact of a Multiple listing service. Real Estate Economics43(2), 471-506.

Rosenau, M. D., & Githens, G. D. (2011). Successful project management: a step-by-step approach with practical examples. John Wiley & Sons.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Launch of Neighborhood and Home Web and Email Service

Launch of Neighborhood and Home Web and Email Service

Write a Project Plan Instructions:

Your project plan may take the form of:

  1. A narrative description as a Word document.
  2. A flowchart with each project step documented with date and alternate flows documented where needed.
  3. A Microsoft project format.
  4. An Excel document.

Keep in mind that whichever format you use, you should have a schedule with projected dates and any resources (other persons) that are part of your project included.

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