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Project 4 -Tasty Fruit Activity

Project 4 -Tasty Fruit Activity

In a full sentence, explain what the vertical axis represents. *2 points

The vertical axis depicts the author’s assessment of the tastiness of the fruit.

In a full sentence, explain what the horizontal axis represents. *2 points

The x-axis, in this context, signifies the author’s assessment of the ease or complexity associated with the opening or consuming of the fruit.

Does the author think seedless and seeded grapes taste the same? Explain. Does the author like the taste of grape seeds? *6 points

According to the author, seedless and seeded grapes taste much the same even though they can distinguish between these two types easily in terms of the effort exerted while opening them. Based on the graph, it would be right to conclude that the author feels that seeded grapes are tastier than seedless grapes. However, this does not indicate that they like the taste of grape seeds.

Which fruit does the author think is the best? Explain. *4 points

The author believes that peaches are the best fruit. This is because the author has placed peaches as the tastiest among the fruits. Additionally, peaches is among the easiest to open fruits.

Which fruit does the author think is the worst? Explain. *4 points

The graph reveals that lemons are rated the least favorable fruit, positioned in quadrant 3, signifying low taste appeal. Though not highly regarded for taste and ease of consumption, pomegranates come in second.

Overall, does the author think fruit in general is tasty or not tasty? Explain. *4 points

In general, the author’s assessment, as seen in the graph, suggests that fruits are predominantly tasty. Specifically, the author considers 11 out of the 18 fruits to be tasty.

Does the author think red and green apples are equally tasty? Explain. *4 points

The author thinks there is a taste difference between red and green apples. They prefer to eat green apples because they are rated higher on the scale of taste shown on the vertical axis, whereas both types have equal rankings for accessibility and edibility as shown on the horizontal axis.

Give two fruits that the author thinks have the same tasty value, but different east of eating values. Explain what you looked for graphically. *4 points

The author believes that strawberries and seedless grapes taste the same way, but find seedless grapes easier to eat. The chart reflects the strawberries being behind seedless grapes on the x-axis which makes them easier to eat.

Give two fruits that the author thinks have the same ease of eating value, but different tasty values. Explain what you looked for graphically. *4 points

The two fruits that the author thinks have the same ease of value are green and red apples. However, the two fruits fall into two different quadrants in the graph: green apples in the second quadrant and red apples in the fourth quadrant. They believe that green apples are tastier than red apples, but both have similar ease of consumption.

About which fruit does the author have the strongest opinions? Explain. *4 points

The fruit that the author has the strongest opinion about is lemon. This is because, in the ranking and position on the graph, the lemon is placed as the least tasty of the fruits. The author also considers lemon to be one of the difficult fruits to open or consume. As a result, this might suggest that the author does not like how lemons taste and how hard they are to consume.

About which fruit does the author have the mildest opinions? Explain. *4 points

The author has the mildest opinion about watermelons. Based on the position on the x and y-axis, the author believes the watermelon is somewhat tasty and difficult to consume. That explains why it is placed just above the x-axis and in the first quadrant.

According to the author, do any of the fruits have the same tasty value as easy-value? Explain what you looked for graphically. *4 points

The author does indeed believe that some of the fruits have the same tasty value as easy value. These fruits would be strawberries, seedless grapes, and blueberries. In the graph, one would be looking at where fruits are ranked high in taste and ease, which, in this case, includes strawberries, seedless grapes, and blueberries. These fruits have almost the same taste and ease value compared to other fruits.

Does the author think taste or ease is more important? Explain. *4 points

The author considers ease as the most important factor when choosing fruit. The reason for selecting ease is how the fruits have been placed in the graph. Most of the fruits have been placed furthest on the ease graph. This shows that the author believes ease is more important than taste.


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In a full sentence, explain what the vertical axis represents. *2 points

In a full sentence, explain what the horizontal axis represents. *2 point

Does the author think seedless and seeded grapes taste the same?   Does the author like the taste of grape seeds? *6 points

Project 4 -Tasty Fruit Activity

Project 4 -Tasty Fruit Activity

Which fruit does the author think is the best? *4 point

Which fruit does the author think is the worst? *4 points

Overall, does the author think fruit in general is tasty or not tasty? *4 points

Does the author think red and green apples are equally tasty? *4 points

Give two fruits that the author thinks have the same tasty value, but different east of eating values. Explain what you looked for graphically. *4 points

Give two fruits that the author thinks have the same ease of eating value, but different tasty values. Explain what you looked for graphically. *4 points

About which fruit does the author have the strongest opinions? *4 points

About which fruit does the author have the mildest opinions? *4 points

According to the author, do any of the fruits have the same tasty value as easy value? Explain what you looked for graphically. *4 points

Does the author think taste or ease is more important? *4 points

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