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Privacy Concerns in Online Buying

Privacy Concerns in Online Buying

Many organizations leverage information technology to understand consumers and move closer to them. To that end, these organizations create consumer profiles that help them plan their operations and offer consumers customized products and services. Internet technology has made consumer data collection even easier since it allows them to share such information with a simple click. Whereas it is presumed that customers can trust these organizations with their data, problems arise when customers harbor privacy concerns. One of the main data privacy concerns is the likelihood that such data may be used by third parties. As consumers shop online, they share personal data with different business entities. These organizations can use sophisticated techniques to gather unique data about individuals from multiple sites and create their unique profiles. Subsequently, such information is sold to unauthorized third parties, subjecting individual data to abuse. Estimates show that about 450 American companies generate their revenue by selling data (Brown & Muchira, 2004).

Another concern related to online buying is privacy invasion. When customers make a purchase, organizations collect personal contact information such as emails and phone numbers. Subsequently, these companies keep sending unsolicited promotional messages, which constitutes an invasion of one’s privacy. Junk emails are a concern, especially for customers who use their emails for work, as it makes it hard for them to sort out critical messages from junk ones.

Based on the above privacy threats, I have to make some adjustments to be safe. One way to avoid losing critical data is by avoiding public WIFI and public devices. Shopping with personal devices and cellular data or home WIFI will reduce vulnerability to online snoopers. Also, using credit cards instead of debit cards prevents fraud in case of a fraudulent source. That is because credit cards will not process a payment if the transaction is fraudulent.

In conclusion, internet technology and e-commerce have facilitated online purchasing, but data privacy concerns are present. Consumers are concerned that data shared on some of these online platforms may end up with unauthorized third parties. Also, some organizations retain customers’ contact information, subsequently bothering them with unsolicited promotional messages and junk emails. One of the best strategies to avoid losing critical personal data is using home WIFI and devices instead of public facilities.


Brown, M., & Muchira, R. (2004). Investigating the relationship between Internet privacy concerns and online purchase behavior. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research5(1), 62-70.


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Unit VII Journal
Assignment Content

As online buying becomes more popular, privacy concerns continue to increase.

Privacy Concerns in Online Buying

Privacy Concerns in Online Buying

Evaluate and explain your level of concern about privacy with respect to online buying. Is your concern great enough that you would change your online-buying habits? If so, how would you change your online buying habits?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

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