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PR Case Study Part 3 Internet and Social Media

PR Case Study Part 3 Internet and Social Media

Social media access has increased tremendously in the 21st century due to internet-enabled gadgets. These effects have rippled through different sectors, such as marketing, advertising, and, most importantly, public relations. Today, at least 56 percent of all client interactions with public relations professionals occur online (Allagui & Breslow, 2016). One cannot deny its significance to enterprises based on the extensive presence of businesses on social media and other internet-accessed platforms such as Google. It is fast becoming a preferred engagement channel for both consumers and producers. Social media and the internet have improved organizations’ public relations, enabling them to reach a wider audience.

Social Media

Social Media Platforms

Facebook is one of the most common platforms that public relations professionals use. Facebook is a globally popular platform, and it was among the pioneer social media sites. Facebook has at least 71 percent of adults active in the USA. The free platform enables individuals to create accounts to post content, share, add friends, and chat with friends (Cheng, 2019). Organizations can create pages on the platform and engage with their followers.

Twitter also provides a communication platform that has at least 19 percent of American adults as users. The platform allows users to post at least 140-character messages, known as tweets. Public relations professionals can post brief messages, updates, or opinions regarding certain issues (Distaso & McCorkindale, 2012). Users can retweet others’ posts, and the lack of restrictions on viewership of certain information.

YouTube is an alternative platform where public relations specialists can communicate with the public. The platform allows users to record videos and post them for others to view. These videos are accessible to all users once the keywords match the viewers’ searches. Viewers can also subscribe to new video posts from certain account users. Viewers are also allowed to comment, like, share, and download the videos.

Niche Social Media Platforms

Instagram can be used as a niche platform due to its distinguished use. Instagram allows users to post pictures and images of their choice. At least one billion users engage with each other on the platform (Haijli, 2014). Its main advantage is its visual aspect, allowing users to communicate using pictures. Visual and attractive images enable users to reach out to Millennials who may tire of text messages (Nelson, 2015). The main disadvantage is the lack of an opportunity to use text. An image may not communicate all the aspects that a public relations professional would like to communicate. Sometimes, visuals can also be interpreted. Thus, using images solely to communicate can lead to issues in public.

Tumblr pages can also be used for public relations activities. Users can like others’ posts and share them as well. The Tumblr blog allows users to post selfies, videos, and pictures. The users can share the same information on other social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram (Feinsot, 2018). Finally, Snapchat can also be used in public relations. Unfortunately, Snapchat only shows messages for a short period.

Advantages and Disadvantages


A business with a Facebook page is exposed to a wide network of users who like and follow the page. This means that any posts can be shared with more people, offering wider coverage. It is also possible for the client to customize their posts for specific target groups. The Facebook population can be segmented by age, location, income, and gender, among other characteristics (Distaso & McCorkindale, 2012).

However, posting on Facebook is time-consuming, especially if one has to customize all posts for a specific group. In addition, the client requires responding to queries in the messages and comments section. The need to pay for advertisements or sponsored posts may also limit clients who have financial challenges.


When using Twitter, the client can reach a wide audience, which may include potential clients. The client can also use the site to gather reliable feedback. The lack of costs while creating an account allows the client to benefit from interactions and organic posts.

However, posting on Twitter limits the client to 280 characters, which may be insufficient for communication. One must commit time to post at the right moment and manage any engagements (Haijli, 2014).


The client is able to upload videos to YouTube without incurring any charges. It is possible to make extra money through the site. As more people watch the client’s videos, they earn through the Google AdSense account.

YouTube publicizes any posted content, making it difficult to control viewership. Other advertisers are free to use the client’s videos for advertisements by adding their clips (Hobbs & Mann, n.d).


  1. 10 fear-crushing facts about the weight loss journey
  2. Things you hardly know about yourself
  3. Quit your job; retain the pay
  4. Getting your house chores in less than one hour
  5. The pain of working from home

Why Are These Headlines Good Choices?

These headlines are good choices because they inspire curiosity and different emotions. The first headline speaks either to a common struggle that many individuals encounter secretly or in others’ awareness. Self-image is one aspect that arouses great concern among adults more often than imagined. The second headline inspires curiosity, causing an individual to seek more information. The third title evokes the desire to be free from employment and retain handsome pay. The fourth and fifth titles highlight common aspects that different people worldwide experience.

Relevant Keywords for Search Engine        

How Similar Companies Use Blogs

Other companies use blogs for marketing through affiliate links. These involve blog writers who may provide their reviews about certain products and still attach website links where others can purchase.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Blogs are ideal when reaching out to millennials, who are usually available on digital platforms (Batrinca & Treleaven, 2015). The blogs allow individuals to share their thoughts and ideas freely without the need for technical knowledge. People are free to engage with the client through the comments section.

However, they cannot be used to reach out to older generations who are not active on these platforms. The freedom to share thoughts may encourage inaccuracies and bias (Batrinca & Treleaven, 2015).


Website Considerations for Clients

When creating a website, the company should ensure it is attractive, functional, and easy to navigate. Complex websites tend to put off clients who lack sufficient technical skills to navigate. For instance, a website that does not allow individuals to check the items in their cart before checking out may experience a high cart abandonment rate (Beauchamp, Barton, & Koslow, 2014).

Website Considerations for Non-Existing Websites

A new website should be easy to use and functional. A lack of these aspects may prohibit customers’ use. A non-stimulating website may put off users as opposed to one that is created to appease the visual sense using captivating images, colors, and texts (Cheng, 2019).

How Similar Companies Use Websites

Companies use websites to inform the public and sell goods and services (Smith, 2011). They also use it to create excitement around a product or service. Clients can easily contact the companies through the details provided on the website.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Website Changes

Website changes are ideal for attracting more browsers and easing the process of navigation (Abuhashesh , 2014). However, the same changes may lead to confusion if the website does not improve.



Social media and the internet have improved the public relations of organizations, enabling them to reach a wider audience. The ease of posting content on social media has enabled businesses to utilize various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube (Hobbs & Mann, n.d). All these platforms provide organizations with followers who remain updated on new occurrences, products, and services. The blogs and company websites provide additional information and publicity.


Abuhashes, M. Y. (2014). Integration of Social Media in Businesses. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(8).

Allagui, I., & Breslow, H. (2016). Social media for public relations: Lessons from four effective cases. Public Relations Review, 42(1), 20-30.

Batrinca, B., & Treleaven, P. C. (2015). Social media analytics: a survey of techniques, tools and platforms. AI & Soc, 89-116.

Beauchamp, C., Barton, C., & Koslow, L. (2014). How millennials are changing the face of marketing forever. The Boston Consulting Group.

Cheng, J. (2019). Social media and Public Relations.

Distaso, M. W., & McCorkindale, T. (2012). Social media: Uses and opportunities in public relations. Global Media and Communication, 5(2), 75-82.

Feinsot, A. (2018). How Calvin Klein’s Digital Marketing Campaigns Attract A New Consumer Market. Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 9(1), 5-15.

Haijli, M. N. (2014). A study of the impact of social media on consumers. International Journal of Market Research, 56(3).

Hobbs, M., & Mann, A. (n.d). Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics.

Nelson, D. (2015). Millennial social networking behavior from a uses and gratifications perspective. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Smith, K. (2011). Digital marketing strategies that millennials find appealing, motivating, or just annoying. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(6), 489-499.


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PR Case Study Part 3 Internet and Social Media

Complete the following for Part 4 of the PR Plan Project:

Write a 150-200 word plan for how social media might be used in your PR campaign. Include the following:

  1. Choose three popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.
  2. Identify any niche social platforms that may be a good choice for the client, if applicable.
  3. Compare advantages and disadvantages of using each platform.

    PR Case Study Part 3 Internet and Social Media

    PR Case Study Part 3 Internet and Social Media

Write a 250-500 word plan for how blogs, might be used in your PR campaign. Include the following:

  1. List five potential blog post headlines that would be appropriate for your client.
  2. Describe why the potential blog post topics you selected good choices.
  3. Using Google keyword tooI, identify relevant keywords you would use to improve search engine optimization techniques.
  4. Describe how similar companies use blogs.
  5. Compare advantages and disadvantages of using blogs as part of your PR strategy.

Write a 250-500 word plan for how a website might be used in your PR campaign. Include the following:

  1. Identify website considerations for the client or campaign.
  2. Suggest ways to improve the user experience if there is an existing website.
  3. Identify what must be considered or included if there is not an existing website for this client or campaign.
  4. Describe how similar companies use websites.
  5. Compare advantages and disadvantages of making changes to the website.
  6. Add screen shots if possible to help clarify and display thoughts and ideas.

Include a minimum of 10 scholarly resources.

This assignment uses a scorning guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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