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How did the reading in Walking with the Poor (Myers) change your view of poverty?

Two things stood out in the Myers (2011) readings, and the first is that the powerful have labeled the poor as unworthy, ignorant, and lazy, and the latter has nothing to offer to society. The second is that ”The poor come to believe that they are and were always meant to be without value and without contribution other than to serve” (p.128). This is not only sad but an almost irredeemable situation. The Ble tells us, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). When h  poor believe they are of no value, getting them out of poverty becomes difficult. In Mathew  5 31-40, Jesus says otherwise; He teaches us that He dwells with and among people with low-income es. Jesus values the poor to the extent that whoever concerns himself with them touches the very heart of God and is eligible for a blessing in eternal life; Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done (Proverbs 19:17).

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What do you think is the role of the Church in poverty alleviation and economic development? What does Matthew 25:31-40 tell you about the role of the Church as well as the role of the believer? How might you apply this to your life, now and in the future?

The Church has a role in alleviating poverty, which can be achieved in two ways. The first is to pray, for no action can succeed without prayer. Praying for low-income people in the community and encouraging them to attend church is critical to meeting their spiritual needs and supersedes physical needs. The second is to take action both at a local and global level. At a local level, those in a church congregation who are financially capable should be encouraged to employ or give work-related tasks to the poor. Food and cl t es drives should be part of the church’s annual programs. At a global level, the church should partner with international organizations such as World Vision to meet global needs. As a believer, I need to give generously to causes that meet the needs of people experiencing poverty. Giving will ensure that the church’s above actions are well funded. By giving my time and resources, I will participate in evangelizing the gospel to the poor, sick, and imprisoned. After this week’s readings, I have set an annual goal regarding how much time and money I will give towards fulfilling Jesus’ warning in Mathew 25:31-40.

Other Related Post: Memo Feedback


Myers, B. (2011).   Chapter 4: Poverty And The Poor. Walk ng with the Poor: Principles and practices of transformational development. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Publishers.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Discussion Prompt:

Role of the Church in Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation

First, read Matthew 25:31-40 (NIV).



How did the reading in Walking with the Poor (Myers) change your view of poverty? Seeing the causes of poverty from a new perspective may also change how you see economic development! What do you this the role of the church in poverty alleviation and economic development? What does Matthew 25:31- 0 tell us about the role of the church and the role of the believer? How might you apply this to your life, now and in the future?


Wheelan, C. (2010). Naked economics: Undressing e dismal science.

Myers, B. (2011). Chapter 4: Poverty and the Poor (pdf). Chapter 4: Poverty and the Poor (pdf). – Alternative Formats Walking w  h people with low incomes: Principles and practices of transformational development. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Publishers

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