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Politics and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Politics and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), enacted by President Barack Obama’s administration, was an incredible and revolutionary policy for millions of American citizens. Its main goal in American history was to address the underlying social justice within the US healthcare system. However, the ACA was met with political deception and undertones from the start. The Republican opposition legislators openly opposed the legislation and became hostile to it. When the Trump administration took office, one of its top priorities was repealing and replacing the ACA. However, Republican efforts were met with widespread opposition as lawmakers realized the repeal and replacement proposal would harm American voters. As a result, many Republican lawmakers began to believe that their chances of re-election were dwindling because of their views and support for repealing and replacing Obamacare. This paper investigates the impact of this political perspective on critical healthcare legislative policies passed and implemented in the United States. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

Re-election prospects had a significant impact on efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. A cost-benefit analysis conducted by lawmakers, including Republicans, reveals that they were jeopardizing their chances of re-election due to their insensitive and far-reaching opposition to repeal and replace the ACA. According to Amadeo (2018), the new legislation was intended to deny millions of Americans access to affordable care, despite the fact that the ACA was designed to address this issue. For example, the AHCA proposals raised fundamental health insecurity among Americans. According to the AAFP, the policy to repeal and replace Obamacare was raising costs while denying Americans health coverage based on their age, socioeconomic status, and health conditions (AAFP, 2020).

For his re-election, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated that it would be difficult to secure votes for the expected repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Furthermore, the Congress Budget Office (CBO) identified serious flaws in the AHCA. Finally, for their own benefit and interests, legislators redesigned the proposal, which became known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017. (ASA, n.d.). Legislators are elected leaders who must campaign for re-election by voters at the end of their terms. As a result, their positions and decisions on public interest policy issues, such as Obamacare and the AHCA, are heavily influenced by voter sentiment. This is primarily due to politics’ overarching desire to be re-elected in the next election.


Amadeo (October 17, 2018). Obamacare repeal and replacement plans: What a Congressional plan to repeal Obamacare would look like. The Balance. Retrieved March 10, 2020, from 4160599

American Academy of Family Physicians [AAFP] (2020). ACA repeal and replace. Retrieved March 10, 2020, from

American Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA] (n.d.). Affordable Care Act repeal and replacement legislation. Retrieved March 10, 2020, from la=en&hash=98051C9116F9B4174B4E02FFAD1AE41347D57347


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Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned when considering perceived competing interests of government and their impact on topics of interest to them. The realm of healthcare is no different. Some people feel that local, state, and federal policies and legislation can be either helped or hindered by interests other than the benefit of society.

Politics and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Consider, for example, that the number one job of a legislator is to be reelected. Cost can be measured in votes as well as dollars. Thus, it is important to consider the legislator’s perspective on either promoting or not promoting a certain initiative in the political landscape.

To Prepare:

·Review the Resources and reflect on efforts to repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Consider who benefits the most when the policy is developed and in the context of policy implementation.

Post an explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Then, explain how analyses of the voter’s views may affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending or positioning national policies (e.g., Congress’ decisions impacting Medicare or Medicaid). Remember, the number one job of a legislator is to be re-elected. Please check your discussion grading rubric to ensure your responses meet the criteria.

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