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Political Competence

Political Competence

Political competence in nursing defines nurses’ values, skills, perspectives, and ability to effectively involve themselves in politics and utilize it as a tool to effect healthcare changes. Han & Kim (2020) assert that political competence in nursing is a multifaceted dimension that consists of political interactions, political knowledge, political efficacy, and political activity. Political influence in various economic sectors makes it essential in healthcare. An important dimension of my political competence that requires growth is political activity. Political activity is a broad dimension of political competence that encompasses networking, community service, and persuasive power. Nurses are often implored to develop broader networks and the persuasive power to effectively front policies that promote their welfare and those of their patients (Clarke et al., 2021). Developing these skills will enhance my political competence and participation in healthcare changes.

Several interventions are utilizable in enhancing nurses’ effectiveness in effecting political changes. Building healthy interprofessional relationships, maintaining contact with other nurses and with other healthcare providers, and improving networking skills may enhance nurses’ political competence (Cervera-Gasch et al., 2022). Networking and social astuteness enable nurses to lobby other groups with similar interests such as other healthcare providers, healthcare professional unions, and healthcare organizations, which collectively have higher bargaining power.

Policies that address staff shortages and those that enhance access to healthcare are the policy activities that may be achieved in the next 18 months. Nursing and physician shortages remain an issue in the U.S. Additionally, high healthcare costs accustomed to high administrative costs continue to deny many Americans access to healthcare. Addressing these issues may be beneficial to the public. Fronting these policies may, however, be impeded by opposition from other stakeholders, inadequate financial and human resources to front the policy, and lack of goodwill from other proponents of these policies.


Cervera-Gasch, Á., Mena-Tudela, D., Castro-Sánchez, E., Santillan-Garcia, A., Andreu-Pejó, L., & González-Chordá, V. M. (2022). Necessary political competencies for nurses from the perception of the student body: Cross-sectional study in Spain. Nurse Education Today109, 105229.

Clarke, J. M., Waring, J., Bishop, S., Hartley, J., Exworthy, M., Fulop, N. J., Ramsay, A., & Roe, B. (2021). The contribution of political skill to the implementation of Health Services Change: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMC Health Services Research21(1).

Han, N. K., & Kim, G. S. (2020). Concept development of political competence for Nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing50(1), 81.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Political Competence

Can you identify areas in your own political competence that require growth? What do you need to learn to be more effective?
What two policy activities can you plan to achieve within the next 18 months? What barriers might hinder your progress?

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