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Planning Providing Special Education Services

Planning Providing Special Education Services

Chapter 2 discusses planning and providing educational services to special needs learners. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires and highlights specific steps schools should follow to recognize and teach learners with disabilities (Heward 45). This chapter generally describes the process of evaluating a learner and placing them in special education. Identifying learners with special needs begins with the prereferral intervention step, a problem-solving process used to give immediate instructional and behavioral management help to teachers and the child. For example, response to intervention (RTI) is a type of prereferral intervention that helps in measuring a learner’s response to scientifically validated teaching to determine whether a child struggles to learn because of inadequate teaching or because of a disability for which special education is required (Heward 48). As a result, an individualized education program (IEP) team comprising a special needs teacher, the parent/guardian, and a psychologist, among others, is formed to evaluate the child. Suppose the child is suspected of having any differences. In that case, they must get a non-discriminatory multifactored evaluation to determine eligibility for special education and to obtain information about the child’s educational wants and how to meet them. Nonetheless, an IEP can have various problems, such as inappropriate referral to special education or false identification of disability if the school psychologist and teachers cannot separate the presence of unrecognized deficits or diversity from disability.

List of 10 Ideas

  1. The IDEA mandates a series of events institutions should follow to recognize and teach children with disabilities, such as which students might require special education, which type of educational environment is the least restrictive, where the students can get appropriate training, etc.
  2. Cooperative learning activities are an effective technique for incorporating learners with disabilities into a social and educational classroom.
  3. A learner who might require special education often comes to the school’s attention when parents or teachers report concerns about disparities in learning, development, and behavior and after the screening test shows a possible disability.
  4. The fundamental steps in giving, evaluating, and planning special education consist of multifactored evaluation, prereferral intervention, eligibility determination, related services, progress monitoring, placement in the least restrictive environment, program planning (individual education program), and special education (Heward 48).
  5. The least restrictive environment is the surrounding that neighbors the general education teaching space that meets the needs of special education children.
  6. Prereferral intervention is designed to accomplish several purposes, such as providing instant instructional and behavior management help to the teachers and learners.
  7. Two IEP components include a declaration of a child’s current level of educational accomplishment and functional performance and a declaration of quantifiable yearly objectives (Heward 61).
  8. Some dos and don’ts when evaluating a child for special education include using multiple assessment approaches and tools to gather appropriate academic, developmental, and functional facts the parent provides. A single assessment should not be used as the only criterion for determining whether a child has a disability, among others (Heward 56).
  9. Misappropriate representation occurs when a specific group gets special education at a higher or lower rate than anticipated based on the percentage of the general learner population that group represents.
  10. When an evaluation team determines that a child has a disability that negatively affects their educational performance, an IEP is immediately formed before the child’s placement.

Work Cited

Heward, William L. Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education. 10th ed., Pearson Education, Inc., 2013.


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Planning Providing Special Education Services

Read Chapter 2: Planning Providing Special Education Services. After reading the Chapter, you will need to write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) for the chapter generally describing what the chapter covered and then list 10 ideas/concepts that you learned while reading. Please number the items you learned so that it is easy to see that you have met the requirements.
The book is named Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education. 10th Edition. Heward, W.L. (2012)

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