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Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of education is an indispensable tool for effective teaching. Further, it enables the teacher to understand the students’ needs and enhance the effectiveness of their teaching. The philosophy of education instills a sense of curriculum autonomy (Alemdar & Aytac, 2022). As a result, teachers can develop unique teaching strategies that positively impact students. My philosophy for education is that all learners are unique; thus, they should be accorded equal opportunities to ensure social, emotional, and academic growth. This philosophy will be an essential guide in enabling me to create positive relationships with learners to inspire discipline and proper communication to understand underlying issues that may impact their classroom performance. Through my philosophy, I can constantly improve my teaching strategies to benefit every student and forge healthy relationships that create a conducive learning environment.

Students have a role to play in ensuring the education philosophy succeeds. Notably, the success of my philosophy is pegged on the relationship I forge with the students. The first role that students need to play is to embrace open communication. The students should share their concerns and provide recommendations to help improve the teaching strategy. Feedback is critical in improving teacher-student cooperation (Schmidt & Gawrilow, 2021). Additionally, the students should embrace participation by answering or asking questions. Participation will enable me to evaluate the effectiveness of my teaching strategy. Students should also showcase leadership skills and take responsibility for each other. The unique nature of each student means there are learners who take time to comprehend concepts. Therefore, the learners should embrace individual responsibility to help their peers grasp these concepts. Ultimately, effective learning involves combined efforts between the students and the teacher.


Alemdar, M., & Aytaç, A. (2022). The Impact of Teachers’ Educational Philosophy Tendencies on Their Curriculum Autonomy. Journal of Pedagogical Research6(1), 270-284.

Schmidt, J. E., & Gawrilow, C. (2021). Reciprocal Student–Teacher Feedback: Effects on Perceived Quality of Cooperation and Teacher Health. Student Feedback on Teaching in Schools: Using Student Perceptions for the Development of Teaching and Teachers, 191-205.


We’ll write everything from scratch


I. Philosophy of Education: Includes a thoughtful and insightful philosophy of education & thoroughly discusses the role of the teacher and the students.
II. Personal Teaching Theory of Classroom Management: Include a quick summary of what classroom

Philosophy of Education

management means to you. Describe instructional strategies to be used when implementing the plan including how you will involve parents, students, and your administrator.

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