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PEW Quiz

PEW Quiz

Responding to Instructor


Thank you for the informative video. By solid liberals, I meant individuals who do not waiver on their stand on issues they support. They consistently express their perspectives on economic and social fronts. They also are the most politically active and engaged. Solid liberals are less likely to support the Tea Party and are strongly pro-government. Persons in this category support regulations, government assistance to those who are poor, and environmental regulation. Also, they are mostly college graduates, with 33% having postgraduate degrees, financially comfortable, and largely White. Solid liberals will overwhelmingly express their attitudes on practically every issue. A few months after Trump’s election, Solid Liberals set themselves apart in their bold assertions against his presidency and what Trump stood for. Additionally, Solid Liberals put their money where their mouths are; close to 50% contributed to the political party and candidate of choice in the Hillary Clinton campaign; close to 40% participated in protests against the policies fronted by Trump (PEW Research, 2017).


PEW Research (2017, October 24). Political Typology Reveals Deep Fissures on the Right and Left.

Responding to Joyce

Hello Jackline Mignella,

Thank you for sharing your post. I read a very interesting report on how the Republicans and Democrats perceive each other. When asked to imagine themselves as Democrats, Republicans in the survey said that they would vote for the Democratic party because “Democrats want to help the poor, save Social Security, and tax the rich.”   Also, Republicans do not believe that Democrats vote because they have the best interest of the country at heart, but instead, they vote because they are “brainwashed by the propaganda of the mainstream media,” and are driven by self-interest to ensure continuity of food stamps and preserve undeserved welfare.

The Democrats in the survey said that Republicans voted not out of the country’s interests but because they are “very ill-informed,” or that “Fox News told me to vote for Republicans.” Democrats also believe that Republicans are “uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.” (PENN State College of the Liberal Arts, 2020).

Based on their survey, it seems all sides believe that the other is ill-informed by the media, which is ironic because voting should be based on what one stands for and not what the media propagates.


PENN State College of the Liberal Arts (2020). Americans not only divided, but baffled by what motivates their opponents.


We’ll write everything from scratch


PEW Typology Quiz

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

PEW Quiz

PEW Quiz

Instructor’s Post

Hello Students-

Were you surprised by your results?  Sometimes, we have students take this test or a similar one at the beginning of a class.  It can be interesting to find out how you score and then become aware of what it actually means later!  Americans tend to be more issue focused rather than ideological in some respects.  For example, we do not disagree on a mixed economy for the most part.  We just disagree to what degree it should be mixed!  We also tend to agree with the notion of liberty…just not the whether it is positive or negative. Here’s what I mean – (Links to an external site.)

What did you find out yourself in the PEW quiz?  Is it true? Why?

What have you learned in the class?  Has it changed the way you look at some aspect of government or politcs?

Be sure to cite an outside source and course material in your answer using the APA format.  You may begin posting on Sunday, April  18.  The DQ and will close for grading on SATURDAYApril  24 at 11:59pm.

Joyce’s Post

Wk 8 political science

Hi Professor and Class,

I scored along with 12% of the population as a Market skeptic republican is what on the typology quiz. According to Pew Research (2017), “Market Skeptic Republicans and New Era Enterprisers offer some criticism of the Republican Party. (51%) of Market Skeptic Republicans say the GOP cares about the middle class, compared with no less than seven-in-ten of those in other Republican-oriented groups. Market Skeptic Republicans generally say the GOP represents their values at least somewhat well, they stand out for their criticism of both political parties when it comes to caring about the middle class.” According to Pew Research it states that 31% market skeptic republicans believe that the republicans care about the middle class and 10% say the reverse. I think I would fall in the 10%. To me I think the Democrats are more for the middle class than the republicans when it comes to finances. I do agree that amongst this group one is to find fault In both parties.

I do agree with my ideological placement , in the fact that I am a skeptic and do criticize my own republican party and find fault with both parties. To me I find myself agreeing with things and disagreeing on things from both parties. Over the years I’ve really thought about changing my party to Independent from Republican. I don’t really vote in the primaries anyways, but I’ve been really disappointed in my own party for years now and it has caused me to not even want to talk or discuss politics. I find that people don’t do their own research and take what social media says as truth and because it is on facebook they take it is truth.

These results reflect my voting record. I vote based on what I stand for and believe in and the changes I would like to see, I don’t vote based on my party. Some of my votes are democratic and republican.  According to Broda-Bahm (2018), “Market Skeptic Republicans believe that Like other Republican-leaning groups but sharply diverging from others on financial issues. Only about a third of Market Skeptic Republicans say banks and other financial institutions have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country. Supports raising taxes on corporations and large businesses. Believes that the economic system favors powerful interests.” I do agree with these points.

This has definitely been an interesting course and have learned a lot. Wish everyone the best of luck on your future endeavors!


Pew Research Center. (2017). Pew Research political typology quiz. Retrieved from November 24, 2019

Broda-Bahm, K. (2018, Jan 18). Update your understanding of Political Identity. (Links to an external site.)

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