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Personnel Management And Human Resource Management Distinction

Personnel Management And Human Resource Management Distinction

Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management.

Personnel management is the management aspect that focuses on the workforce in an organization and their connection to the organization, while human resource management is the management branch that concentrates on the most productive use of an organization’s workforce with the aim of achieving the goals of the organization (Doaei and Najminia, 2018). Another difference is that while personnel management’s activities include hiring employees’ training, remuneration, and harmony, human resource management activities include treating an organization’s workforce as treasured resources to be used, appraised, and safeguarded. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

Summarise the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.

The first stage is an assessment of the existing human resource capability by identifying the abilities, skills, and knowledge of current employees usually using a skills inventory. The second stage is forecasting human resource requirements. The forecast is based on the organization’s goals. It includes determining the number of staff and faculty needed to achieve the organization’s strategic goals, determining the jobs that need to be filled, and determining the credentials and skillsets needed (George, 2017). Challenges that an organization may encounter in meeting its staffing needs are additionally assessed during this stage. The third stage is gap analysis. The analysis includes determining the gap between where the organization wants to be in the future and its current position. It considers aspects such as the new jobs that an organization may need in the future and the new abilities and skills that may be required (George, 2017). The fourth stage is the development of human resource strategies to support the strategies of the organization. The strategies considered in this stage are collaboration, recruiting, outsourcing, restructuring, and training and development strategies.

Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection techniques.

The effectiveness of selection and recruitment strategies is dictated by an organization’s ability to deal with the external and internal aspects that impact the recruitment procedure. Internal aspects are the aspects that an organization can control, while external factors are beyond an organization’s control. An effective recruitment and selection technique considers an organization’s needs, the objectives of the organization, government policies dictating reservations, preferred recruitment sources, personnel policies, recruitment costs, and the financial implications of recruitment. The most effective techniques are those that evaluate the skills and capabilities of employees and provide an overview of an employee’s personality and capabilities. Such techniques include integrity tests, ability tests, and personality tests.

Assess the effectiveness of different reward management strategies.

Reward management strategies are categorized into monetary, non-monetary, group-based, and individual-based rewards. Monetary rewards are effective in motivating employees to perform better and create healthy competition in the workplace, thus increasing the performance of the organization. Non-monetary strategies are, on the other hand, effective when they are combined with monetary rewards. Such strategies include health benefits and vacations (Anku et al., 2018). Individual-based rewards are more effective compared to group-based rewards because the direct incentive impact of a group reward is dependent on the employee to whom the reward is promised because he or she needs to trust that they can affect the performance on which the reward depends.

Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay.

The first step in the process of job evaluation is selecting the programme by obtaining the information required about existing arrangements and decision-making on the need for a new programme or revising an existing one. The second step is planning the programme by setting up joint committees and selecting the jobs requiring evaluation (Livy, 2020). The third step is analyzing the jobs based on the information gathered about the job. The fourth step is conducting an internal evaluation by ranking samples of bench-mark jobs and grading jobs based on information pending the gathering of market rates. The fifth step is conducting an external evaluation considering information on the prevalent market rates. The sixth step is designing the salary structure. There is a range of factors determining pay, such as government regulations, bargaining of trade unions, and the demand and supply of labor (Livy, 2020). The seventh step is grading jobs, while the last step is developing and maintaining procedures to maintain the salary structure.

 Analyse contemporary issues affecting human resource management.

One of the modern issues influencing human resource management is the rise of a gig economy. A substantial number of talented individuals have moved from the traditional workforce to freelance to achieve the required flexibility hence forcing human resource managers to focus on creating long-term contracts to avoid losing talented employees ((Bercu and Vodă, 2017). The second issue is automation. With the rising advances in technology, the roles of human resource managers are changing (Bercu and Vodă, 2017). For instance, there is a rise in the use of virtual human resource management, thus reducing the need for human resource management departments in organizations.

Evaluate the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management.

The legal and regulatory structure has a significant impact in dictating the activities of the human resource management department. For instance, privacy laws are under constant change because they are regularly updated, thus requiring the human resource management team to update employee training, disclosures, and acknowledgments. Failure to adhere to current laws and regulations may expose a company to penalties, lawsuits, and scrutiny from the public. The structure also affects human resource management procedures by affecting human resource management policies (Guest, 2017). For instance, the human resource management department must consider the minimum age requirement before hiring employees. It additionally needs to consider minimum wage when developing wage and salary structures.


Anku, J., Amewugah, B. and Glover, M., 2018. Concept of Reward Management, Reward System and Corporate Efficiency. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 6(2).

Bercu, A. and Vodă, A., 2017. Labor relations: Contemporary issues in human resource management. Issues of Human Resource Management.

Doaei, H. and Najminia, R., 2018. How Far Does HRM Differ From PM. European Scientific Journal, 8(13).

George, V., 2017. The Role of Human Resource Planning in the Human Resource Network. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 5(97).

Guest, D., 2017. Human resource management and employee well-being: towards a new analytic framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), pp.22-38.

Livy, B., 2020. Salary administration and job evaluation. Job Evaluation, pp.142-153.


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Human Resource Management Short Answers Questions

  1. Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management.

    Personnel Management And Human Resource Management Distinction

    Personnel Management And Human Resource Management Distinction

  2. Summarise the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection techniques.
  4. Assess the effectiveness of different reward management strategies.
  5. Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay.
  6. Analyse contemporary issues affecting human resource management.
  7. Evaluate the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management.
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