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Personal Learning Plan – Professionalism

Personal Learning Plan – Professionalism

What prompted you to develop this plan?

The decision to develop this plan was prompted by the need to be more accountable. Accountability is a major component of professionalism (Tipton, 2021). I have realized that I sometimes fail to be organized and take responsibility for my actions. I have also realized that accountability plays a critical part in excelling both academically and professionally.

What is the general area for improvement?

My general area for improvement is to be more committed in my academic life and my professional life, educating people on health matters. I want to improve my ability to take full ownership of my decisions and actions as I transition to professional practice.

What is the specific issue for improvement?

The specific issue for improvement is to follow policies and procedures in healthcare education. In healthcare education, the information you provide to the population and other clients determines their health behaviors and decisions. The ethical environment in healthcare education is also complicated. Understanding and adhering to the policies and procedures for educating patients and populations will ensure that I deliver sufficient health education that can help patients understand their health status risks and guide them in making their health decisions.

Why is this important to you?

This is important to me as I feel that what I teach people on matters health is important in their everyday living and the decisions they make. Learning to be accountable by adhering to the set health education policies and procedures will ensure I provide high-quality health education that can improve population and community health outcomes.

How do you generally act in these areas?

I am generally a responsible person. However, I sometimes may fail to follow certain policies and procedures when discussing health matters in a way that may conflict with ethical principles. I may also use unconventional ways to improve health education outcomes.

What are your goals?

My main goal is to be more accountable for everything I do. The other goal is to be able to remain patient with my clients during health education sessions.

What strategies are required?

The strategy required to achieve my goals is to commit to giving my best personally and professionally. I will also apply strategies from Kolb’s learning cycle, specifically watching, feeling, feeling, and thinking (Mcleod, 2022).

Who/what is necessary to meet your goals with this strategy?

To meet my goals with the above strategy, I must actively participate in all team roles, familiarize myself with the best practices in health education, and have a role model.

How will you measure success/failure with this effort?

I will measure the success/failure of this personal development plan based on how well I can adhere to set policies and procedures in the delivery of health education, assess my attitudes towards the best practices in health education before and after implementing the plan, as well as how I perform and commit to goals in group work and collaborative roles regardless of outcomes.

How will you reflect and capture the lesson from this effort that can be generalized to other circumstances?

I will document my progress throughout and after the implementation of this plan. I will set milestones and review them to see how much I have been able to achieve. A negative outcome will mean a need to revise the plan. On the other hand, I can use the positive documented progress and generalize it across other relatable circumstances.


Mcleod, S. (2022, June 16). Kolb’s learning styles and experiential learning cycle. Simply Psychology.

Tipton, D. (2021). Personal and professional growth for health care professionals. Jones & Bartlett Learning.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Personal Learning Plan - Professionalism

Personal Learning Plan – Professionalism

After reviewing Chapter 2 and Chapter 2 PowerPoint in previous module, create and submit a personal learning plan to be no longer than three (3) pages. Use the following questions as a guide to developing a personal and professional growth project:

What prompted you to develop this plan?
What is the general area for improvement?
What is the specific issue for improvement?
Why is this important to you?
How do you generally act in these areas?
What are your goals?
What strategies are required?
Who/what is necessary to meet your goals with this strategy?
How will you measure success/failure with this effort?
How will you reflect and capture the lesson from this effort that can be generalized to other circumstances?

Please refer to the paper details in the attachment. Provide in text citations, and the reference listed as well

Use book personal and professional growth for health care professionals chapter 2 – a model of professionalism

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