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Personal Introspective Analysis

Personal Introspective Analysis

Vision: Each day is an opportunity to uphold my personal values of justice, integrity, and love. Today is a chance to grow in my key strengths of compassion, precision, and resilience.

Mission: To go above and beyond the norm in providing efficient service to those that I serve. To impact Christ to my recipients when I am rendering service. To be counted as a good and faithful servant by my Lord Jesus.

Duration Personal Goals Specific Goals
90 days:


Successfully completed my project proposal.


ü  Have the proposal approved by the IRB.

ü  Invited participants and got a good viable number to participate.

ü  Administered questionnaires, and the responses sent back for analysis.

ü  Recruited 2 research assistants to help collect and analyze data at an affordable fee.


Started my community change initiative. ü  Approached my work colleagues about volunteering for the proposed community change initiative and got positive responses.

ü  Approached local community officials about the proposed community change project and got a positive response.

ü  Interviewed several Bay Shore residents to get an idea of their thoughts regarding the proposed community change project as well as how and what changes can be made to improve it.

Started a healthy lifestyle plan. ü  Changed my meals to comprise 75% organic food.

ü  Take a 45-minute brisk walk 5 days a week

ü  Cut out carbonated soft drinks from my daily food consumption.

12 months Graduated with my MBA. ü  Successfully completed my projects and graduated with honors.
Take a vacation. ü  Take a well-deserved three-week vacation in a quiet place.
Healthy Lifestyle. ü  Successfully followed through with the organic food plan.

ü  Increased my brisk walk to 1.5 hours a day for 5 days a week.

ü  Started research on becoming a health and fitness coach for the elderly.

ü  Started registration and training process on becoming a health and fitness coach for the elderly.


2 years Started my own business. ü  Private nursing care for the elderly business where staff visits the patient in the comfort of their homes.

ü  Services rendered will include cooking and cleaning as well as participation in social events for the elderly such as visits to various parts of the country.

ü  Have a minimum of 4-5 staff members and increase the number as the client base increases.

Community change initiative. ü  Included more activities and services linked to the change initiative.

ü  Have more funders on board to sponsor the initiative.

ü  Started an annual event -the charity walk- that will raise funds for the initiative.

ü  Have at least 100 elderly persons connected to sustainable income through networking via the community change initiative.

ü  Have a 10% growth rate in the number of persons that participate every month on the daily walks.

ü  Published a website that revolves around the community initiative.

Healthy Lifestyle ü  Successfully transitioned to 100% organic food.

ü  Become a full-time participant in the daily walks organized by the community initiative.

ü  Become a licensed health and fitness coach for the elderly.

Guiding Bible Verses:

Joshua 1: 9 (NIV)0.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 New International Version (NIV) Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.


Psalms 71:9 (NIV) do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.


Oxford University Press. (2009). The English Standard Version Bible: with Apocrypha. The English Standard Version Bible: with Apocrypha. New York.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Personal Introspective Analysis

Prepare a two to three page personal introspective analysis of your current professional and spiritual path. Include in it your personal vision and mission statements. Each statement should be no more than two-three sentences. Examples are easily obtained by performing a web search.

Personal Introspective Analysis

In addition, write down your personal values and specific goals you would like to achieve over the next 90-days, twelve months and two years after you complete your MBA. This exercise is intended for inclusion in your Leadership-Self Assessment Project and to aid in visioning for your future upon completion of your MBA.

Here is one example of a good website that provides guidance on mission statements:

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